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dracomalfoy : so, Harry
dracomalfoy : there's a school dance coming
dracomalfoy : and I'd like it if you went with me
dracomalfoy : since I am gay and truly do not want to be seen with a woman
dracomalfoy : Blaise is going with Neville and you're the only other good friend I have, Dean is taking Pansy

harryjpotter : so I'm your last choice, huh?

dracomalfoy : no, you were the one who I thought would reject without any thought

harryjpotter : well, you were right
harryjpotter : I'm going with someone else already
harryjpotter : I couldn't say no to her

dracomalfoy : forget I said anything

harryjpotter : hey, Draco
harryjpotter : I'm attracted to males
harryjpotter : and males only
harryjpotter : so don't worry

dracomalfoy : I was never worried

harryjpotter : and I'm straight

dracomalfoy : sure seems like it

harryjpotter : oh come on
harryjpotter : Draco, why are you acting like this?

dracomalfoy : you've ruined it.

harryjpotter : ruined what?

dracomalfoy : I have had something to give you after the dance

harryjpotter : you can still give it to me

dracomalfoy : only if you'll give me your first dance

harryjpotter : we seem to have a deal

dracomalfoy : did you know?

harryjpotter : know what?

dracomalfoy : Diggory was admitted into the infirmary today

harryjpotter : why should I care?

dracomalfoy : someone used cruciatus on him

harryjpotter : well then
harryjpotter : he deserved it

dracomalfoy : I know
dracomalfoy : just thought you might want to know

harryjpotter : I don't care about Cedric's whereabouts
harryjpotter : but it made my day
harryjpotter : thank you

dracomalfoy : oh don't mention it

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