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harryjpotter : Draco
harryjpotter : open the door please
harryjpotter : it's been 2 days since you've came out of your room
harryjpotter : Pansy and I are worried

dracomalfoy : please leave me alone

harryjpotter : I mean no harm and neither does she

dracomalfoy : Potter she almost gave you away
dracomalfoy : you should hate her

harryjpotter : I don't hold such stuff as grudges
harryjpotter : you should learn to not as well

dracomalfoy : well I'm sorry but I actually care about you
dracomalfoy : do you know why I'm in my room and suddenly not talking to her
dracomalfoy : or everyone at all?

harryjpotter : do tell

dracomalfoy : because she admitted it just now. 2 days ago.
dracomalfoy : I didn't know that my best friend almost gave away the man that saved me
dracomalfoy : when you came to Hogwarts
dracomalfoy : and fought Snape
dracomalfoy : I wasn't there
dracomalfoy : I didn't hear her say it.
dracomalfoy : how would you feel if Hermione tried to give away Sirius?

harryjpotter : ...

dracomalfoy : see?
dracomalfoy : now please do kindly leave

harryjpotter : I left food I made at your door
harryjpotter : please don't let it get cold
harryjpotter : I woke up early because of it
seen 7:09 am

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