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          Everyone was sat in the common room, a lot of chit chatting was happening because they didn't want to start without Oliver or Draco.

          As soon as the two males came in all sweaty, the others groaned, knowing that the two will have to shower so the game is going to start later anyway.

          Harry though, didn't groan because he was annoyed. Sweaty Malfoy was definitely a sight to see.

          When the two got out and sat down in the circle, Veritaserum in a whiskey glass appeared in front of them and everyone chuckled since they all knew what they were going to play.

          ,,So." Neville said, ,,Who wants to start?"
,,I mean, you're the one we're here for, so you start."
,,Oh really? Okay, thanks." Neville smiled.
,,Um, Hermione, truth or dare?"

          ,,Truth." Hermione said, confidently.
,,Is it true you and Ron already done the deed?"
,,Yes it is." Hermione smiled and Ron looked away, kind of embarrassed that they asked.

          Hermione turned to Atlas.
,,Atlas truth or dare?"
,,Dare." Hermione's smirk was wide.
,,I dare you, to make a hickey on Luna's neck."
,,As long as Luna gives consent, I'm fine with it." This sentence alone made everyone like Atlas. Consent is very important.
,,I'm fine with it." Luna smiled and moved her turtleneck so that Atlas had a place to do the hickey.

          Atlas's touch on Luna's neck was delicate and sweet. He wasn't biting her too much and Luna was only softly humming in happiness. Yes, she definitely liked Atlas.
Once Atlas's art is done, he looks at the purple-ish mark on his desired one's neck and he seems extremely proud of it.

          Atlas sat back down and looked at Oliver.
,,Oliver, truth or dare."
,,You know what, truth."
,,Is it true you are into a Hufflepuff 7th year?"
,,Rumours spread quickly don't they? It is true, yes."
,,Who?" Ginny asked, curious.
Oliver chuckled. ,,Only one question, not two."

          ,,Harry, truth or dare."
,,Um, truth."
,,I'm curious, do you really love Draco?"
,,Of course I do." Harry said, no hesitation and Draco couldn't help but smile.
,,Awww. That's adorable." Luna said, smiling.
Ginny's gaze was on Draco, burning him alive.

          ,,Dean, truth or dare?"
,,You know, I'm feeling confident. Dare."
,,Kiss Ginny."
,,Alright, mate."
Ginny smiles as she receives a kiss on her cheek.
,,Hey that's not what I meant." Harry said, disappointed.
,,Be more specific next time." Dean winked at him and Draco shot him a glare.
Dean then moved his eyes to Ginny and back on Draco to give him a signal that he's truly not into Harry.

          ,,Draco, truth or dare."
,,Dare." He said immediately.
,,Take off your shirt and give Harry a lap dance."
,,I'm not the submissive one." A bunch of oh's echoed in the room.
Harry's cheeks were crimson and he stared at Draco, mad at him for saying that out loud.
,,Then let Harry give you a lap dance."
,,With pleasure." Draco chuckled and looked at his significant other to see the boy glaring at Dean  hard that if looks could kill, Dean would be long gone.

          Draco sat against a sofa, so be more comfortable, while Harry awkwardly came to him. Yep, Harry was clueless on what to do and he knew no one is letting him forget this, ever.

          The boy did everything to make Draco on edge and even if some moves were awkward as hell, Draco really didn't blame the boy. Draco was watching him with amused eyes because of how hard Harry was trying to please him.

          Hermione chuckled right after Harry was done and Ron looked at Draco then quickly back at his loved one.
,,Hey, Ron. Truth or dare?"
,,Uh oh, I'm good mate, truth."
,,What's your kink?" Draco smirked and Hermione looked at him.
,,So... Hermione's fluent in Latin. And I enjoy it when she speaks it to me."
Hermione chuckled, remembering something.
,,Yeah, though one time, while we were at it, we accidentally summoned a demon." Ron laughed and the group laughed with him. Neville especially. Thank God he was having fun.

          ,,Seamus. Truth or dare."
,,If you had to date 1 person in this room who would it be?"
Draco and Harry's eyes met a small smirk on their faces.
,,Neville." Seamus said, clasping his hand over his mouth.
Neville's cheeks were in a deep red colour and he had a small smile on his face.
,,Ginny, truth or dare."

          ,,Merlin. Um. Truth?"
,,I'm stealing your question, Ron. But I'm gonna change it up. Name everyone in this room you would date." Fred, George and Ron looked at each other. Over protective much.
,,Dean, Harry, Hermione and Luna." Ron was surprised and so were the twins.
Dean smiled to himself, exhaling sharply. Seems like he was holding his breath.

          ,,Hey, Fred, truth or dare?"
,,Dare of course." Fred smiled.
,,Turn your face into an animal."
,,Any animal you'd all like to see?"
,,A dragon." Draco said with a smirk.
,,As you wish."
Fred's face was now a dragon. A ginger haired dragon. Everyone had to chuckle at that even if they didn't want to.

          ,,George. Truth or dare?" Fred scratched his face a little.
,,Dare, my brother."
,,Go to anyone in this room and whisper your crush into their ear." George nodded, went to Ron but he didn't know Fred casted a spell, causing him to yell out the name Lavender Brown.
Ron started laughing. ,,Trust me, you don't want that."
,,I'm getting you back for this, brother."
,,You're welcome to try, brother."

          ,,Luna, truth or dare?"
,,Oh my, truth."
,,Is it true you and Neville dated last year?"
,,Oh yes, it is. We didn't last long, we didn't even kiss actually. It ended because Neville had his realization and I accepted it."
,,Yeah, Luna was really nice about it. I'm glad she wasn't mad."
,,Of course not, I still love you as a brother." Luna smiled and Neville did too.

          ,,Neville, truth or dare?" Luna smiled.
,,Would you date anyone out of this room? If yes, who and why?"
,,I would, Harry, Draco and Seamus."
Harry and Draco looked at eachother, surprise written all over their face.
Seamus only smiled in victory.
,,And why, well Harry is nice, he's handsome, I've known him for long. He's one of my best friends. I'm sorry Draco and Harry, but I used to like your bullying side, Draco, when I was smaller."
,,And Seamus?"
,,Well, you see, I've grown closer to him and I found myself thinking a lot of him. I may really like Seamus actually." Neville clasped his hand over his mouth but Seamus was smiling so much. It was beautiful.

          ,,Why were you with Blaise, then?" Harry asked, curious.
,,Oh yes, um, I was lonely. Very lonely. You two were dating and Blaise was just there, so we got together. Sparks only flew when we drank butterbeer though."
,,So you two never really liked eachother?" Ginny asked.
,,We may have, I know I did, I don't know about him." Neville sighed.
,,It didn't feel right though, that's for sure."

          Remus soon came through the door, to tell them it's time to go to bed. They nodded and went to their rooms, of course Hermione stayed with Ron, Draco with Harry and believe it or not, Seamus shared a room with Neville tonight. Those two spent the whole night talking about their relationship and how they wanted to be together but wanted to give it time too.

          Guess they'll just have to see where their romance will go.

          Lucius was taking Draco away tomorrow and Harry knew the next five days without him, were going to be hell. But he could do nothing about it. After All, Lucius was Draco's father.

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