∆ 51 - 2nd part ∆

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          Hermione and Harry shared a dance. Harry was awfully bad at dancing when he had to be the one swirling someone around.
Hermione only chuckled though.

          Ron was dancing with Ginny, both laughing at something Ron said.
Hermione looked at Harry with a smirk.
,,Harry, you and Malfoy.."
,,No, no. Not yet at least."
,,But you like him." Hermione said.

          ,,Yes, yes I do." Harry said, confident about this statement.
Hermione smiled at him and patted his shoulder.
,,Bet you'll be the best couple at Hogwarts soon."
Harry chuckled.

          They noticed Neville and Blaise dancing the night away, completely lost in each other's eyes. It was quite amusing to watch the duo.

          Dean and Pansy were dancing as well, it just was awkward. Kind of obvious that neither of them had feelings for each other.

          The most awkward was the fact that they both were looking at different people. Pansy was looking at some Ravenclaw boy and Dean seemed very interested into Harry's 'date' for tonight.

          Luna was calmly dancing with Atlas. They both seemed to be interested into eachother, despite not knowing eachother that well.

          Their dancing was calm. Neither of them needed to put too much effort. Both were naturals at dancing.

          Snape and Leonore were calmly sipping red wine in the back of the room, not really engaging in conversations. Not even with eachother.

          After a while, Leonore got Snape to dance and their dancing was extremely graceful.
Snape knew exactly how to move and their moves were like puzzle pieces.
They were fit together.

          Albus with Farah were chatting in the corner of the room, both seemed very interested in the conversation they were having.

          McGonagall was dancing with Horace Slughorn, who came back in case Snape needed a substitute. It didn't happen often, but since there was a wedding and a honey moon soon to come, Slughorn sure was going to have a busy month.

          Professor Trelawney seemed to be enjoying her little dance with Madam Hooch. The two were laughing and chit chatting while casting spells to make eachother dance in various funny ways.

          Lastly, Hagrid was dancing with Olympe Maxime. She was speaking French to him and even if he understood nothing, his cheeks were rose red and a smile had it's place on his face.

          When Harry looked at his dancing partner again, he saw Ginny.
Beyond confused, he's looked at his best friend.

          ,,Sorry mate, but that's my lady." Ron said with a chuckle while he held Hermione in his hands and Harry chuckled as well.
His dance with Ginny was not a complete disaster.

          At least not until she tried to kiss him and Harry panicked and stood still as if he became a statue.

          Ginny then sighed, sadness and disappointment in her eyes. ,,I'm sorry, Harry."
,,No I'm sorry that I can't return your feelings. But come with me, there's a certain boy who's been glancing at you for a while now." Harry said as he took her to Dean and Pansy.

          Both of them, Harry and Dean, mumbled a 'thank Merlin' and Pansy left the room.
After telling Hermione and Ron that he was going to Dumbledore's room, Harry left also.

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