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          Harry, Cedric, Neville, Ron and Hermione were sitting in the Gryffindor common room, playing cards as to "cut the tension", which was Neville's idea, when the door busted open with Blaise Zabini asking Harry if it's true that he's cut himself because he's gay.

          Harry was dumbfounded. Then Dean came through the door, saying Draco "outed" Harry about his self harm. Harry was shocked. Draco would never, would he?
They were friends, right?

          Cedric only looked at Harry with a nod.
,,I heard about it too. I just didn't want to invade your privacy.."
,,That's so nice of you Cedric." Ron said for Harry, who was in his own world.
His world though, was breaking down.

          Now everybody knew.

          And even if his sexual preference wasn't the reason for the self-induced scars, he had no proof of the statement. While the person who was the reason of it, was spreading stuff about him Harry decided it would be best to cut him off.

          After all,
he still has Hermione and Ron.
He doesn't need stupid Malfoy in his life.

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