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          Draco and Harry were now siting at a bench in Milano, staring at the muggles walk by and see how in love they are. Milano was indeed a romantic city, nowhere near Paris, but it was a beautiful caricature of the city.

          ,,So have you talked to McGonagall?"
,,I mean... She was the one that gave me a permission to apparate today."
,,I thought it would be Dumbledore."
,,No I asked her. She also told me that once Cedric recovers, she's going to make sure he's expelled, she'll find a reason. She told me she will be discreet about my secret but will have to tell Albus, as the event is something that he needs to know of."

          ,,Harry.. I was thinking of this for a while. Once you're ready I'd like to be your.. First?"
,,Draco you know that's not possible.."
,,What happened doesn't count, Harry... I want to be the one to make you happy again."
,,Maybe one day, Draco. Possibly soon. I promise myself to you, Draco."
,,Don't feel pressured, Harry, please. I promise you, I won't push you into anything, but I want to be your first."
,,I do not feel pressured. Trust me, Draco."
,,I do trust you, love."

          ,,Love?" Harry smiled at the nickname.
,,It's my main feeling towards you, is it not?"
,,How am I supposed to know?"
,,Harry, what I'm trying to say is, I love you."
,,Merlin, Draco." Harry signed absentmindedly, too lost in his thoughts about what the blonde just said.

          Draco must admit he was beyond disappointed that Harry didn't feel that way about him yet. But he would not try to push it even if it cost his life. After All, he understands.

          He hasn't been the nicest to Harry in the last years. He really wasn't anything even close to being nice. Yes, he may have protected him from Voldemort's wife and his own aunt, Bellatrix and almost decided to run to him when he dropped from Hagrid's hands, but Lucius held him.
Harry doesn't even know that Draco almost gave his life away because he saw kedavra casted on him. If it wasn't for Narcissa, Draco would've been the one to be hit.

          That's why she's lied to Voldemort. She's seen how much her son cares for the Potter boy. She just wants Draco to be happy instead of being controlled like a puppet and caged up like a bird.

          When Draco was pulled out of his thoughts, he noticed a certain raven haired boy smile at him and lean in to kiss his lips. Draco obviously didn't hesitate before placing his lips on Harry's soft ones.

          The kiss was sweet, passionate and delicate. Both boys were careful to not overdo it with the passion. Time went slow as the boys kissed while people passed by and they paid them no mind.

          ,,Draco...Me too."
,,I love you too." Harry smiled and Draco smiled as well.

          They were absolutely mad for each other.

          ,,Draco, I want to make an unbreakable vow. I want to make sure to be your first."
,,Are you sure, Harry? If we don't make love and you won't be my first, we might die."
,,I'm positive, are you though?"
,,I am indeed."
,,Once we get home, I'll ask Leonore to do it for us."
,,Thank you, Draco."

          They decided to take a walk before they had to head back. They came across a clothing shop, a designer one and Draco smirked, pulled the raven haired boy in, and made him choose different clothing. Draco then proceeded to pay for it, much to Harry's complaints. The cashier thought Draco didn't understand Italian as he only spoke English to Harry and remarked to her friend :
,,I dieci nuovi paesi dell'Europa orientale non hanno un padrino così ricco." The ten new countries in Eastern Europe can only dream of having a rich sugar daddy such as that.

          ,,Sí, possono solo sognare. Ora per favore tieni i tuoi pensieri per tie. É scortese supporte cosi sugli altri. Buona giornata, le signore!" Yes, they can only dream, now please do keep your thoughts to yourself. It's impolite to assume things about others. Have a nice day, ladies!

          Harry knew that he was attracted to bilingual people, but hearing Draco speak fluent Italian made him wonder what other languages the blonde knows how to speak. Harry asked what the ladies spoke of but Draco brushed it off and Harry didn't push it, assuming it's not anything important.

          After a while of walking, while carrying Harry's bags, Draco checked his vintage clock.
,,Harry, we should head back."
,,But the sunset is beautiful."
,,I know. Want to take a picture? It will last longer."

          Harry took out his phone and took a picture of Draco in the sunset.
It was truly a beautiful sight.

          As soon as they got into Gryffindor's common room everybody stared at them.
,,Where in the bloody hell were you two!" Hermione yelled at them. Man, that woman is scary.
,,Milano." Draco replied casually standing next to Harry.
,,Only you two can look so casual saying you went to Milano." Ron said, chuckling.
,,What's in these bags?" Seamus asked.
,,Well, I decided to spoil him." Draco says and pats his back, then stands directly behind Harry.

          ,,Go put on the clothes that are in the box. I picked them out and I know they'll suit you, love." He whispered into Harry's ear and Harry quickly nodded.
Harry then quickly ran to his room. Ginny fake-gagged and Ron copied her right after. Merlin knows what they were thinking Draco said to him.

          ,,So why Milano?" Luna asked, curious.
,,Harry mentioned he would like to go there. So I took him."
,,And bought stuff for him?" Dean asked, skeptical.
,,Yeah, he's my boyfriend." Draco said, not catching on.
,,Are you guys in a suggar daddy kinda' relationship?"
,,Funny. I love Harry." Draco said, still casually standing near the door.

          Harry came downstairs. He was wearing a turtleneck, long sleeved, dark black t-shirt, tucked into high waisted black pants. It screamed Malfoy, but that's why he was the one to pick them. Draco, on top of it, also had to get Harry shoes. Also dark black, rich leather.

          ,,Merlin, Harry." Hermione said, amazed by how her friend managed to pull it off.
,,Mate, that must've cost a fortune." Ron pointed out the obvious.
,,Just over 1,500 euro's. No big deal." Draco casually said as if it was nothing.
,,DRACO!" Harry yelled at him but Draco paid it no mind.
,,Harry, you have 5 outfits. Are you really mad about one of them because it was a little pricy?"
,,A little pricy?" Harry laughed.
,,It's nothing for me, Harry. I promise none of the other outfits went over 900." Harry only sighed and nodded in defeat.

          He knew he was not winning this fight with Draco no matter how badly he would like to prove the blonde wrong, that it's not just a little money and possibly even return them. Draco could buy things for himself instead.

          ,,Can you two sit down? We're having a study session. You two need it. You've missed a lot."
,,Of course, let me get my things. But I and Harry have something to do before we can study." Draco said, making his way to his room.
,,And what may be more important than studying?"
,,None of your concern, Hermione." Harry said.

          They were now in Leonore and Snape's room, Snape wasn't there.
She was a witness of the vow and casted the spell. The two promised each other, that Harry will be Draco's first. Both boys were more than excited. It was very intimate to hold each other's hands in such ways and know that the other one will be your first.
They thanked Leonore and left the room.

          Soon, everyone was seated and studying near the fireplace, then Hermione made a quiz and gave points to everyone answering. It was hilarious, but they managed to learn a lot despite for only studying for two hours, maybe.

          And the whole time, Draco sat there, staring at his boyfriend answer questions and with every right question, he felt prouder and prouder of the boy.

          Yes. He's definitely whipped for him.

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