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          ,,Remus!" Sirius yelled out as soon as he came out of his classroom, seeing his lover on the ground, petrified.

          ,,Dad what's going on- oh Merlin." Harry said as soon as he saw his godfather on the ground, clutching Lupin's body in his hands.

          ,,We're going to get him to Madame Pomfrey. She will know what to do."
,,Okay, son. Head to class. I'll take you to him when I'll know what happened."
,,Be careful, dad."
,,You be careful, Harry."

          Sirius then ran at an inhuman speed. No news to Harry, he was a werewolf after all.

          Harry has headed to class where his friend group was sitting calmly and looked at Harry with smiles on their faces.
He sat next to them and they began sharing the hottest news they heard.

          ,,Malfoy fought with Pansy. She told me she doesn't talk to snakes like him." Hermione said with a smile on her face.
,,She is just as much of a snake as Malfoy is. He had it coming though." Ron said, eating up whatever he had on his plate.
,,He's an asshole. Harry didn't deserve that." Cedric said, moving his gaze to the raven haired boy.
,,Yeah, I thought we were friends and he does that.." Harry sighed.

          ,,But it may not have been him." Harry said.
,,What do you mean, Harry?" Cedric asked, confused.
,,Nothing, nevermind."

          ,,Anyway. We have a class with Leonore Insolitus now." Hermione said.
,,Yeah, would you believe that her and Snape?" Neville said, chuckling.
,,I honestly don't care about the teachers and their business." Cedric gave away his opinion.
,,It's kind of weird that she's been only for a few days and they both already have rings and everything." Ron said, still stuffing his face.

          ,,Maybe they knew eachother before. There's Blaise. I'm going to go sit with him. Talk to you guys later."
Hermione and Harry shared a knowing look and as soon as Hermione saw Dean in the class, she sat next to him.

          Ron was beyond confused, kind of angry, mostly jealous.
He made a mental note to confront Dean later, but he never did.

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