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In a flash Kuga leaps, twisting through the air so fast my eyes barely register the fact that he moved at all. The Bamster cracks, sliced cleanly in half, spilling Trion everywhere. Gasps of astonishment and disbelief fill the room, and I feel my chest swell with a bit of pride. That's my Yuma, he can kick your asses without batting an eye.

He turns and smiles at me, and my heart feels like it's being cleaved in two. Because I'm not supposed to feel these things, we're just supposed to friends, there's no way Yuma thinks of it any other way.

For just a moment I let myself hope, I float off into fantasy land and in it, Yuma and I, we're holding hands and he's pointing and laughing at something he sees, something he's never seen before. And I laugh too and tell him exactly what it is, and he'll wear his stupid duck face as he nods along.

"Osamu? Are you ok?" His voice startles me, and I shake free of the daydream. Looking down at those red eyes, I think about telling him right there, how proud I am - NOT a love confession. He'd never understand, and it'd just ruin our friendship - I'm sure...

"Y-yeah!" I can feel the sweat dripping down my brow and Yuma's face says he doesn't believe me. That and he can tell when people are lying to him. So imagine my surprise when he shrugs, and motions me to follow him.

I stumble behind him, my feet tripping over one another. Yuma would never be this clumsy - I think bitterly - why would he ever like someone as clumsy and in-adept at fighting as me? "W-where are we going Kuga?" Out loud I still call him this, out of respect and not wanting to say Yuma with the passion I do in my head. Even though from the moment he learnt my first name he called me Osamu, I just don't have that confidence.

Yuma smiles slightly and just motions again. "C'mon Osamu, it's a surprise - to celebrate our future team!" He's walking again and I run a bit to catch up.

So this is what he means. Dinner with Chika, Jin, him and I. Maybe the others at Tamakoma Branch too, or maybe not. I wonder where we are going, and if Yuma will make those adorable faces he always reveals whenever he eats something new.

It takes me a bit to recognize the path we are taking, the one from what seemed like ages ago. "Kuga," my voice is stern, but also amused, "you know we aren't supposed to be in the Forbidden Zone..."

Yuma just sighs and glances at me, flicking away his gaze just as quick. "Osamu, we're both Border Agents, yes? So it's ok, right?"

I can see the genuine question in his eyes, but also the playful teasing. My sigh echoes his. "Alright, I guess it's ok..."

Yuma's smile shoots a bolt of electricity down my spine and I find myself grinning back like an idiot with nothing better to do. Quickly I tone down the smile before he sees it and try my best to steady my racing heart.

The crater seems even bigger than I remember it, shattered Bamster remains lying at the bottom. That day they'd been smoking, now they are still and cold. "Osamu," I turn to Yuma, away from the hole. 

"Here!" In his out-stretched hand is a small paper bag, steam drifting out of the top."I hope you like it!"

I try to push back the blush I can feel crawling up my neck and take the bag. My hand brushes against his and I shiver, not because his hand is cold but because if not for my eyes I wouldn't think it was there. It's not hot, not cold, just smooth and just... there. Like it has no other purpose. Secretly I hope that someday it's purpose will be entwined with mine but that's more fantasies...

Inside the paper bag is steaming bun and a small pat of butter. Beneath that a sealed bowl of ramen, fogged up and hot to the touch. I feel the smile spreading across my face uncontrollably but I don't really care because this looks amazing. And bonus - Yuma got it for me, and the hot food can excuse my red face for me.

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