Not a Fanfic - songs!

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Heeeey so I know that a most will probably skip over this, but for those interested I wanted to put this out (also these are just really good songs even if you don't like the ship).

So I know people often create animatics (animation videos, like drawings) of ships and stuff. Music that goes to those are really important and even though these aren't actually animatics - I think they should be! So here is a list of songs for the Osayu/Yumaosa ship (Osamu/Yuma):

Carry You - by Ruelle Ft. Fleurie -switches between Osamu and Yuma in that order

Glad you Came - by The Wanted

War of Hearts - by Ruelle - I imagine in the perspective of Osamu

Stronger - by The Score  - this one is more just an awesome sort of theme song for Yuma, you'll understand once you hear it =3=

Please enjoy the songs!

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