I Feel Nothing

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Mmmmk so a little background, this is an AU of World Trigger where people are NoRmAl?! Heheh, point is Yuma is not from another world however he is from a different city so ye. Oh and PROFANITY = ! =

Yuma's POV:

I walk into the classroom, it's dull, full of friends talking to each other. They've all known each other since kindergarten. None of them will want to be friends with me. Especially since I'm over half an hour late. Whatever, why should I care what they think?

Pasting a fake smile on my face as walk in, "I apologize for my tardiness."

I'm already heading toward my seat when suddenly some jerk in the back shouts, "Teacher! He has a ring!" Damn it, I knew I should have just hidden it with my other hand or something. I'm not taking off this ring. It's the very last thing I have left of Dad's and there is no way in Hell I'm giving it up because of this damn school's rules. 

When the teacher tries to take it off I about deck him right there, before a nerd wearing glasses in the back speaks up. "Teacher, don't you think there's a reason he's refusing to take it off, otherwise this would be pointless to argue."

Everyone in the whole damn classroom stares at this kid like he's a fucking saint and even though I'm grateful, he's just pointing out what everyone else should have seen.  Besides, I didn't  need his fucking help anyway. It's not like I wanted to be in this school anyway. Whatever.

"Why do you insist on wearing that ring?" the teacher's spit lands on my face and I make a big show of wiping it off. Giggles erupt from the back of the room.

"It was my late parent's ring sir," I see no need to lie, and this'll gain me some pity points. They don't dare touch me now.

The idiot stutters and shakes his head, clearly flustered and embarrassed. "I guess we can make an exception..." He pushes his glasses back up his profusely sweating face and hurries out of the room. 

"Kuga-kun, you'll sit at that desk over there ok?" the TA points to the desk next to Saint Four-Eyes himself. "You take good care of him, Mikumo-kun." 

Four-Eyes nods and I walk up to him, making sure my false smile is in place. Gotta act grateful right? "Nice to meet you," I barely refrain from adding NERD to the end of the statement, and by some miracle manage.

"Nice to meet you too," Four-Eyes smiles and he's actually kinda cute. Damn the level of boys I've stooped to. All the way down on the Nerd Level. Rock fucking bottom.

I take my seat and not 30 seconds has passed when something hits the back of my head. I turn, and it's the same jerk and his friends who called out my ring. Ok, I'll play their little game. When the next round of paper hits me I'm ready. Quickly, I catch one and decide to take to ignorant path. "What't this for?"

I can see the laughter in their eyes and I can't believe they're actually buying my act. I must be getting better. "It's a traditional Japanese greeting," one smirks. Yeah, bullshit

"It's a greeting huh?" Nerd kid tries to interfere but one boy throws a comic book at his face.

I crumple the paper into a tiny, bullet-like ball. God, I can't wait to see the look on this kid's face after I kick his ass.

The smile is still painted on my face when I flick to paper right at his chest. The impact knocks him backwards, and he falls right on his ass. Honestly this is the most fun I've had in a long time and I have to fight back laughter. Is it really ok to be laughing when your the reason your dad is dead? The laughter drains out of me, and I'm left feeling empty with guilt. 

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