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This request was made by @Cynderela27, for an innocent Yuma, Osamu has to take the lead sort of fic. I enjoyed writing this so much (even though I got stuck sometimes), and I'm sorry it took so long! Hoping I wrote it to you're liking ^w^ Enjoy =3=

Yuma didn't really know what he was feeling. He'd asked Replica what the sped up heartbeat and the weird butterflies in his stomach meant, but Replica didn't have an answer. "It could be a reaction to something in this world Yuma, do you know what's causing it?"

This caused Yuma to stop for a moment. "That thing that they call a crush... I think I might have one on Osamu." Yuma suddenly looked up at Replica, eyes wide. "What am I going to do?"

"Maybe you should speak to Osamu about it. Just a thought, though it is Yuma's decision," Was... was Replica sarcastic? It was like Yuma could hear an eye roll,

"It's just," Yuma swings his legs back and forth, looking down at the river below. "I can't do that, I don't even know how to treat someone in a... relationship. What if I mess it up? It's probably better if we stay friends..."

~ ~ ~

When Replica finished, Osamu wanted to leap in the air. As it was, he was definitely smiling like an idiot and he could feel the bright pink blush on his cheeks. "S-so Yuma likes me? But he's scared he'll mess it up..."

The question wasn't really a question. They both knew that. "He's never had the opportunity to experience anything like love before, Osamu. Nothing romantic. It's natural to fear the unknown."

The thought made Osamu sad. Yuma had been fighting in a war most of his life. When his Dad died... it was all Yuma could do. He didn't have any chance to experience love or a relationship. Osamu's determination sparked and burned.

"Thanks for telling me Replica," Osamu smiled gratefully at the Trion soldier.

Replica nodded. "It was the logical thing to do. You did confess to me about Yuma weeks ago."

Blushing Osamu nodded and walked off, lost in thought. Since Yuma had never been in love before, Osamu wanted to be the one to show him how great it could be. The very notion of Osamu taking the lead made him flush bright red, but it couldn't be helped. At least Yuma liked him back. It gave Osamu peace of mind, and confidence knowing that. Tomorrow, he would confront Yuma.

But tonight, he'd stay up worrying over the whole thing long past 2:00 in the morning.

~ ~ ~


He glances over his shoulder to see Osamu running up to him. His glasses are slipping down his face as he doubles over, gasping for breath. Yuma has the weird urge to push them back up, but it's scary as it is strange. So like many different feelings he's been having lately, he ignores it. It's worked so far.

"Osamu," he tilts his head and presses his arms behind his back. Can't risk any odd impulse. "Are you ok? Did something happen?"

He laughs breathlessly before looking up at Yuma. Straightening, Osamu shakes his head. "No, just wondering where you were going!"

Yuma's growling stomach answers the question for him. Osamu laughs again. "I know a good place to eat, I can take you there if you like." Yuma can't see the fingers crossed behind Osamu's back.

A weird fuzzy feeling spread through Yuma's chest, "Ok," Yuma shrugged, smiling. "Lead the way!" This crush thing wasn't so bad, just a little embarrassing.

Osamu's smile grew to an impossible size, and Yuma's heart pounded in his chest. He felt his cheeks try to grow red again, though only a bit showed through to his Trion Body. Why do I feel so nervous? It's just Osamu. We've done this a million times before. This time isn't any different. Yuma followed Osamu trying his hardest to ignore the fluttering in his stomach.It wasn't any different so why did it feel that way?

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