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Heeey! So this was a fic requested by @KoichiKamikaze (go check them out btw they're reading list is awesome) where some aspects of the story are fLiPeD! You'll see soon enough =w=*  

Yuma's POV:

School sucks. It's boring as hell, and I really don't want to be here. But Dad always says learning is important, so I should stay in school. He also says that he isn't always right. But I don't think this is what he meant - so here I am, sitting at this dumb-ass desk surrounded by people I don't like.


Out of the corner of my eye I see some jerks chucking another poor sap's pencil case around the room. He isn't going to catch that. Sure enough, Jerk #2 flubs the easy pass Jerk #1 tossed. The case sails strait for my head, and I catch it deftly out of the air. Idiots.

"Hey freak, toss it over here, huh?" Jerk #3 goads me, half threatening, half teasing. I pretend to consider their offer, uncertainly passing the pouch between my 'shaky' hands.

"U-um... ok-k" I stutter, and glance guiltily at the kid who's pencil pouch I now hold. Honestly I have to keep from laughing and bite down hard on my lip, probably only adding to the act.

"Catch." With a completely straight face I chuck the case at Jerk #1's face, knocking him backward onto his butt. Now I'm laughing - the look on his face is so dumb it's hard not to! Other kids in class giggle too, but quickly shut up at the scathing glares from all three dipshits.

Gritting his teeth Jerk #1 starts to get up, but I meet him with a glare of my own and couple it with a smirk - he backs off.

"Do you think the exchange student is a Border Agent?"

"Why else would someone come here?"

Chatter fills up the room, and my attention to the conversation peaks slightly. A Border Agent? Here? That'd be interesting. Glancing at the clock, I note the teacher is around five minutes late, which pisses me off - because if I'm going to be here I might as well be learning shit, right?!

Before I can get really worked up about it though, the door to the classroom creaks open and a sheepish looking boy, who I assume is the transfer student, walks in. He's cute, slightly on the shorter side (so same height as me - in correlation to Chika that is about half a head taller) and he has a head full of white hair. And I'm not talking white-blond, I'm talking full on white hair. From here I can't see the color of his eyes, his glasses are reflecting the sun just right.

"I'm very sorry I'm late, please forgive me." The boy bows and smiles a bit. "U-um I'm Mikumo Osamu, I'm fifteen, and it's very nice to meet all of you!" He looks a little flustered, but also happy, though I don't know why the hell anyone would be happy to be here of all places.

I catch sight of his eyes and my heart practically skips a beat, because they are the most breathtakingly beautiful shade of orange I have ever seen. A bronzy color surrounds his pupil, fading to more of a pumpkin. Flecks of gold light up his eyes, making them burn. My face starts to get hot, and I want to stare into those eyes all day. Shit. I do not have a crush on this fucking nerd.


A ring. That's what almost gets Osamu kicked out of school on his very first day. A fucking ring.


On top of that, he tries to tag along after I fucking defend him when those jerks throw paper at his head. NEWSFLASH: ignoring the problem won't make it magically disappear!! I don't even know why I helped him. I mean, c'mon, 'greeting' my ass. Mostly, Osamu looked pissed but like he was trying to hold back.

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