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This fic was written in honor of Osamu's Birthday - which it still is technically in my time-zone! Anyways I hope you enjoy even though it isn't my best (I wrote it in like a day so...) =3=

Tamakoma Branch was quiet as Osamu walked in, only hearing the sound of his own footsteps echoing on the wooden floor. Everyone else was busy; Tamakoma 1 was out on patrol, Midorikawa had invited Yuma and Jin to dinner, and Chika was training with her new friend Yuzuru Ema. Osamu didn't know exactly where Shiori, Yotaro, and Hyuse were, but based on past experiences Yotaro was probably dragging Hyuse all over the city with Shiori supervising.

Honestly, he didn't know how everyone had so much energy at the end of the day. Exhausted on his own birthday, so tired he only remembered after his Mom called to tell him congrats on turning 16. So Osamu didn't blame everyone else for forgetting either, well Chika had wished him a quick Happy Birthday before she rushed out to go meet Ema. Osamu didn't even think he'd told anyone else his birthday, so he couldn't blame them. And it was probably just the exhaustion pressing a small disappointing weight on his chest.

Osamu's growling stomach quickly interrupted his thoughts. Konami said that there was some leftover sushi in the fridge, that sounded good enough. Besides, Reiji makes some killer Unagi Nigiri sushi. He steps into the kitchen, throwing on the light and nearly jumps back in alarm at the shouts that fill the air.

"Happy Birthday Osamu!! Omedeto!" Everyone was there standing in the formerly dark room while Jin smirked away in the corner. Osamu could practically hear his thoughts - everything going according to plan - or something like that.

But at the moment Osamu didn't really care all that much. Because there was Reiji lifting Chika up a little higher so she'd be even with Karasuma who was holding the other end of a 'Happy 16th Birthday!' sign. The bubbly feeling only increased as he saw that Konami and Shiori were finishing setting up all the food which smelled amazing. Yotaro sat on Hyuse's shoulders, both holding green balloons. Even Raijin-maru had three balloons tied around his middle. Jin of course was still sitting in the corner looking out over his masterfully created surprise birthday party, and Yuma...

"Wait, Yuma don't-" Osamu stretched out his hand but it was too late. The party popper Yuma was holding exploded with confetti and silver glitter. It was a lot of glitter and the confetti was all different colors, perfect for the occasion. It might have been better had Yuma not been pointing the popper at his face in confusion when he had pulled the string. The short boy was now covered in glitter and shreds of colorful paper, making his white hair sparkle blindingly.

Bright red eyes blinked at Osamu, shock and confusion evident. The look was what finally did it, and Osamu doubled over laughing. He didn't know if it hit everyone at the same time but soon they were all laughing so hard it hurt to breathe. Well, Hyuse wasn't because he probably would have done the same thing (also imagining Hyuse laugh is scary) but that just made the situation even funnier. Even Jin, who knew that was going to happen, was laughing with tears in his eyes.

Osamu straightened up, attempting to regain his composure so he could properly thank everyone. "This- this is amazing everyone. Thank you so much!" He could feel all the happiness showing up as flush on his cheeks.

Konami laughed and clapped Osamu on the back, almost causing his glasses to fall right off. "Thank us later, right now let's eat, I'm starving!"

Osamu approached the table choosing a seat in between Yuma and Chika. The food looked and smelled incredible, Konami's curry and Reiji's Unagi Nigiri sushi sat on either end of the table. Two main dishes?! They'd really gone all out for him. Chika smiled sweetly at him and pointed at the food. "Everyone made a dish, we figured it'd be more fun and yummy that way!"

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