Stupid Fizzy Feelings

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Heeey, so I'm trying out Third Person... hope it makes sense and enjoy! =3=

Just looking at Yuma makes Osamu's insides buzz, like a fizzed up soda. It's a feeling that he keeps trying to suppress but we all know what happens if you shake up a bottle of pop up enough. Eventually the lid is going to blow...

The breeze pushes up Yuma's shirt a bit, but he doesn't bother to fix it. He's too busy looking at the sky making shapes out of the clouds. Chika says it's a game that she plays sometimes, when she's bored or thinking about something. Most of the time she plays it alone, but Chika says it's more fun with a friend.

A teddy bear, no a cat. Why is this game so hard? Maybe there's a trick to it.

~     ~     ~

Yuma's gazing at the sky, laying down on the hillside below me, his shirt rumpled, revealing a sliver of stomach. Osamu shivers. He's about five steps down the hill, slipping on the grass, before he stops. What is he doing? No, what was he going to do? Lay down next to Yuma? And then what, hold his hand? Yes.

No. Absolutely not. Stuffing the urge down Osamu slips his way back up the hill, already embarrassed even though he stopped. The real problem was, Osamu started. Starting to fall in love with Yuma was probably the biggest mistake of his life, but now that Osamu's started, he knows that he'll never be able to stop.

Taking a seat on the bench next to the path, he glances behind him. Yuma hasn't moved an inch, which means he didn't notice Osamu. Thank goodness.

~      ~      ~

When Osamu started walking toward him, Yuma swore his heart started beating faster. Which is weird, because normally the Trion Body isn't allowed to do that, it'll moderate back to a steady pace so as not to overload Yuma's already dying body. But this time it got faster and faster the closer Osamu got.

Then he stopped.

And turned around.

And walked back up the hill.

Yuma's heart slows again, but he's not happy about it. Instead it sends a horrible pang through his entire body, resonating in his head. Why does it hurt so much? Why did Osamu stop?

He wanted Osamu to join him, lay next to him; teach Yuma how to play this odd game. Maybe he'd hold Yuma's hand, maybe Osamu would turn and look at him and laugh, and he'd laugh too, and -


His heart is pounding, so loud Yuma's sure it echoes in the emptiness of the park.

Hot, his face is weirdly hot, so are his ears.

A tightness enters Yuma's chest, but it's not unpleasant, just the opposite.


How long has he liked Osamu?

~      ~      ~

"When the hell are they going to get a clue?" Kitora sounds extremely irritated, removing the binoculars from her eyes and handing them to Midorikawa. [If you've ever watched the extra arch the Anime put in, this is what I'm referencing ,>w<,]

Midorikawa fitted the lens and focused them, effectively spying on his best friend, who was currently laying down on a hill. "Maybe they need a nudge?" Was it his imagination or was Yuma blushing?

The two had been watching Osamu and Yuma for a while now, ever since they dropped the hint to Osamu that Yuma was in the park. But so far, nothing had happened and both were getting to the end of their patience. Well that and Kitora's pissed at how idiotic they are. They obviously like each other, why don't they just confess already!

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