Flip-side (2)

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Heeey! So this is Part 2 of Flip-side, I hope you all enjoy! Oh and also lets just say I may have gotten a little lazy (sorry) and a huuuuge TiMeSkIp has taken place.  =3=

Yuma's POV:

I'm not going to win. I know this and yet here I am, still fighting. Dad tells me, that when you know you can't win, retreat, live to fight another day. But Dad's been on a Border away mission for years, and well, he never mentioned what would happen if I was fighting someone I knew I couldn't win against, but if I retreated there wouldn't be another day to fight on. Besides, if I don't defeat this old man, Osamu will probably die.

And so long as I am living, there is no way that's going to happen. Which means I have to beat him.


"Replica, is there any way I can get past his rings?" I gasp for breath and lean against the building's wall, before leaping away again as it crumbles, having been sliced through at the base.

Mini Replica follows me closely barely avoiding falling rubble. "With your current trigger Yuma, I don't see any possible methods of defeating Viza, his methods are far superior to ours." Gee, thanks for the pep talk Replica, great job. I feel so much better about this!


Screw it. I jump out of the way of Viza's deadly rings, and start to run straight at him, dodging and weaving through the air. I'm fast, faster than his stupid ass rings, but he thinks fast enough to make up for the lag time. 

Before I can even blink, my right arm is completely gone, and Trion starts to leak out of the gaping hole. Fuck, I really wanted to keep my arm for once. A piece of debris catches my eye and quickly I activate Grasshopper, sending the stone flying forward, straight at Viza's face. His shield blocks it of course, but that gives me enough time to tap the ground with my foot and use Moleclaw, before immediately leaping at Viza again. As expected he also senses Moleclaw and moves, but I'm right there slashing with scorpion, aiming to kill.

"Trion supply depeleted. Warning: Trion running low" Fuuuuuuuck. My legs fall to the ground, sliced off at the damn knee. The air is clouded with Trion particles, I can barely see, this isn't good! I have to win, I have to win to get to Osamu!!

Luckily Viza is in range, and I slash, unleashing Senku. "Trion Level Dangerous, bailing out..."

"No!!" The bail out function halts and I explode, my normal body taking shape. I look up in time to smirk, Viza's Trion body now cute cleanly in half.

"Ah, good job, very few have ever defeated me before in battle." Viza smiles, like he's enjoying this. "But unfortunately for you, I'm also adept at fighting without using my Trigger."

Dumbass. I smirk, not caring that he sees. "Replica, where is Osamu now?"

"Just North a bit Kuga, nearer to the Base. Though I don't see how you can help, you won't be able to activate your trigger." Mini Replica zooms close to my ear, tickling me a bit. 

"Well, nice fight dumbass, see you never!" I wave and before he can try to kill me in my real body, I bolt, pouring in every ounce of speed I can muster.

I'm taking to long, I'm going too slow, but I can't move any faster! My body aches, and I can hardly breathe. But I'm almost there!!

And then I see him, Osamu, fighting back. Holding his own, his black Trigger still activated. Osamu's glasses are missing, but I guess because of his Trion body, he doesn't really need them anyway. I suppose he wears them for comfort, for remembering who he used to be. 

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