There's Nothing to Feel

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Heeey - so yes this is a continuation of "I Feel Nothing". Also little background (and sorry I didn't clarify this before) but Yuma never got hurt in the real world as bad as he does in his universe (so no him almost dying and still currently dying thing) But his dad did die when they were attacked (like batman :p) causing the white streak of due to shock! (Yes that is possible) ANYWAY, enjoy! =3=

Yuma's POV:

Down down down.

But I'm looking up. I don't want to see the ground that's rushing up to meet me. I don't want to feel the involuntary surge of fear.

Looking up hurts too. My vision seems tunneled to Osamu's face, his stupid, cute, nerdy face. His glasses are sliding off his face, sweat and tears causing the frames to slip. Osamu's face is one of complete devastation; painful to look at. An arm, his arm, reaches out desperately in vain, trying to catch me. Stupid Four-Eyes, didn't anyone ever tell you - you can't catch someone who's wanted to fall all their life.

It feels like it' been an eternity, but I know that the ground is right there, and it's the only thing I'm going to allow to catch me.

Pain shoots up my entire body as if in slow motion, my toes touch the pavement; breaking almost instantly. The momentum throws my body forward, all I can see is cement now.

I don't even close my eyes, because I wanna look death right in his fucking face.

Osamu's POV:

I don't wait to see him hit.

I don't wait to hear the sickening crunch as his body hits the ground. The shattering of his bones.

I leap up, the adrenaline finally kicking in, and race for the stairs. My finger fumble with my phone in my pocket as I skip steps - sometimes four or five at a time - ignoring the pain signals my own body is sending me. "Hello 911, what's your emergency?"

"P-please it't my friend" the words come out in a rush, add I can hear how choked my voice is. "H-he just jum-ped from the roof, he's real-ly hurt, please I need someone to help him."

"Alright honey, can you tell me where you are?" How the hell can she stay calm!! I race down the final flight of stairs.

"Shimatsu High school in Mikado City!! [Please keep in mind I have no idea if this is actually the name of their high school, and it probably has one but I was too lazy to look it up] P-please hurry!!" The lady was pissing me off, with her stupid calm attitude, like Kuga hadn't just jumped off the roof, so I hung up.

I push through the heavy doors, and race to where Kuga fell. My gag reflex starts to work almost immediately, but I force it down.

Broken. That all I can think. It's like he's a broken angel - one who forgot how to fly. The angels of his body are all wrong, that bit of leg shouldn't be twisted, and his arm shouldn't be pointed up like that.

Scientists estimate that 7% of the human body is blood. 7% is such a small number, but it looks like the entire 7% is splattered against the pavement, pooling beneath his body. "K-kuga..." my voice is just a faint whisper of horror. "Y-yuma!!" It raises to a shout, panic oozing into the yell, choking off any words that may have followed.

His eyes are the same color as his blood. The morbid thought pushes its way into my brain and sticks there. Yuma's eyes are half-open and unblinking. I stumble closer to him, afraid to be near the broken boy, and afraid that he'd die if I didn't help him. Afraid he was already dead.

"Yu-m-ma..." I don't shake him desperately like in the movies (though I almost do); instead I reach out and press my fingers to his neck.

There's nothing. I press a little harder. There! A tiny, faint pulse rests beneath my fingers, so very weak. Almost non-existent. But that means he's alive. That means there's hope, however slim.

Yuma's POV:

I think I'm in pain. Yeah... that's probably what this is. This horrible feeling. But it's searing my bones, my blood, my whole body, it feels like it's everywhere and nowhere. My mind can barely go through the motions of thinking at all.

Oh. my eyes are open, I guess they were the whole time. I just wasn't seeing until now. Weird. I must be more fucked up than I realized. Dying, being dead, I never expected it to hurt this much. Maybe I'm already in Hell or something, and this is my punishment for essentially killing Dad. Some punishment this is though - Death is really cute.

I assume that's the figure swimming in and out of my fucked up vision, which is slowly shifting into focus. Weird. Death looks just like Osamu. That doesn't make any sense, he's too damn nice to be Death. I want to laugh at the thought of Osamu heartlessly reaping souls. But my brain can't process things right now, it hurts to much, takes too long.

"-uma!! Yuma can you ---- hear m----Please ---- hold o-- am--la-ce -- on ---- their w--y----p-ease please Yu-- don't die!!!" Did you know you can hear blurriness? It's like everything goes all fuzzy, but to your ears. It makes everyone sound whack.

Fuck. Osamu is probably yelling and I can barely hear a word. Wait... am I still alive? Is that why it hurts so much? Why am I happy damn it!! I wanted to die, I shouldn't be happy that I'm alive! But I am, even if it's just a little bit. I think it's because I'm looking at Osamu. He's so cute.

Ah. That's blood on the ground, isn't it? Was it always there? I think so. There's a lot of it. It's so red and shiny, I didn't know blood could be beautiful. Is that s lot of blood? I can't tell anymore it looks like it's everywhere.

Fuck, my vision's going black again. Or is it grey? Maybe it's a darkish yellow-purple. But I don't want to see colors, I want to see Osamu. Even if he's crying. Even if he looks scared out of his mind. I don't wanna die looking at the color of a fucking bruise.

Osamu's POV:

It's been weeks, and I'm the only one (according to the nurses), that's come in to see Yuma. If no one comes in soon, I'll be stuck with the medical bill. That's ok though, I don't think Yuma has any parents, so it's not like they'd be able to pay it anyway, much less come in and see him.

Everyday I sit there and hold his hand, even though the nurses stare. I hear them whisper about us being lovers, and I let them. I don't really care, they can gossip all they like if it makes Yuma wake up faster.

I'm so scared though. I'm scared that when he wakes up, he'll be mad. At me. For saving him when he wanted to die so badly. More than scared, I'm terrified that he'll try it again.

Which is why, when he wakes up, I'm going to make sure he doesn't try it. Ever again. Smiling a bit, I squeeze Yuma's hand tighter. Don't worry Yuma, I'll make sure you find it somewhere. I'll help you find your will to live again.

So this is the end of this little short Oneshot series "I feel nothing, there's nothing to feel" I really hope you enjoyed it! Bye! =3=/

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