I Can Help

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Heeeey! So this fanfic is written in response to a request from @KoichiKamikaze I hope that this lives up to your expectations! Enjoy =3= 

Yuma's POV:

I step into the kitchen; instantly the scent of curry reaches my nose, and I can feel myself starting to drool. Konami-Senpai's curry is the best, and I'm so hungry. Setting the groceries on the counter, I head over to where Yotaro is sitting.

"Where's Osamu?" I ask, plopping down next to him and Raijinmaru. A quick glance around the room confirms his absence; Chika's setting the table, and Reiji, Shiori, and Karasuma are all out on official business.

Yotaro shakes his head sadly, and I have to keep from laughing at how comical he can be. "Looking over videos again for your next opponents, he's been at it all week." Pursing his lips, Yotaro gets his 'all knowing sage look' on, "I think he's very stressed. Perhaps Yuma can calm him down." He's right. I give Raijinmaru a quick scratch on the head and start to get up. Stupid Osamu, he's over working again, when will he get that?

Sighing, I stand and start walking towards the set of doors leading into the training area. Tucking my arms behind my head, I slow my walk and think about how to snap Osamu out of his spiraling panic.

I could tell him we'd be fine on the rank wars - that he didn't need to worry; but that would be telling an outright lie, and he would know it. Our opponents are tough, and we have reason to worry.

Maybe we could do a training practice, get him to use his skills more! No, that might stress him out further, especially if he fails terribly.

I briefly consider confessing to him but quickly push the thought away. Now was not the time, and Osamu thought of me only as his friend. As his teammate. Never as something more than that - in fact I might only succeed in making a bad situation worse.

But... there's really never going to be a good time, is there? That only happens in ... movies? Yeah movies. That's what they're called. Maybe this is a good of time as any?

I push down on the door handle, swinging open silently on it's hinges. I peek in the room and see Osamu, with his back facing me, shuffling through papers and frantically typing out information. That is one stressed nerd right there. Albeit a cute one, but a stressed Osamu, no doubt about it.

He hasn't noticed me yet, and so I decide to have some fun. Creeping softly along, I step carefully, trying not to make a sound. Sneaking up behind him I almost blow my cover by giggling in anticipation.

As quickly as I can, I grab his chair and spin it to face me, earning a shout/squeak from Osamu. I can't stop laughing at the look on his face: complete shock. "Yuma! What the heck!!" He sounds so -- stunned still, it sends me into an even harder laughing fit. Osamu's sputtering now, his face red with embarrassment, "I-it's not funny, Yuma!! I'm trying to do work here!" I'm practically rolling around on the floor, but I can't help it, every time I hear that little squeak in my head I blush so hard I have to hide somehow. Solution: laughing hard. Which isn't hard given the current expression on Osamu's face.

Osamu's POV:

I'm still shaking a bit from Yuma's scare, that was the last thing I expected while doing research for our battle in two days. "Yuma! Please, I'm trying to get this research done!!" Annoyance creeps into my voice, but I'm not really. I'm too fixated on Yuma's face, which at the moment is turning pink he's laughing so hard. Blush rarely shows up on his Trion body, so it strikes me as odd at how much he's blushing. I mean sure scaring me was funny, but it wasn't that funny. "Yuma if all you're going to do is hinder me, can you please leave so I can finish up?"

I don't mean the words,  I really want him to stay with me, but we need this data from other teams' fights; otherwise we'll never beat them. Yuma's laughter stops abruptly, and I'm startled to see something sort of snap in his brilliant red eyes. A swoosh of air ruffles my hair and suddenly Yuma's standing right there

His face takes up my entire field of vision, and when he speaks his breath tickles my face. "I was trying to think of better ways to help relieve your stress," Yuma's hot breath nearly stops mine, and my heart is crawling up my throat. "But it seems like this might be the only way..."

I don't wait. I'm tired of the waiting. Yuma's finally here, in front of me, and I can't be scared of rejection anymore. Not after that. I lean my head just a bit closer to him; he's already so close that it's really all it takes.

Yuma's lips fuse to mine, and his breathing turns slightly erratic. My hands find his and he holds them gently, as if he's still reassuring me. Or maybe he's afraid I'll want to break away. The thought annoys me, so I let go of his hand and grip the back of his head - pushing his adorable face back into mine. Forget breathing, the kiss warms me inside and out, a lightness fills my body up to the brim till I'm overflowing.

I can feel the surprise in Yuma, but he gets over it almost immediately and bites my lip playfully. Obliging, I part them and enjoy the feeling of exploring his mouth with my tongue. 

Kissing isn't at all like how I imagined it, kissing Yuma is so much better than anything I could have dreamed up.

He tastes sweet and spicy at the same time, I never want to pull away. Unfortunately I need to breathe. We part, each breathing hard and fast from the intensity of the kiss - and of course lack of oxygen. 

Yuma licks his lips, and hell he's so cute right now. "So Osamu..." Yuma's eyes are sly, I can feel my ears turning red. "Did that help?"

What? What does he mean. Oh. Ooooooooohhhhhh. I was trying to think of better ways to relieve your stress, but it seems like this might be the only way... "U-u-uuum heheh y-yeah," wait - if this is the only way... -  "I mean maybe not, I don't think I'm completely cured..."

His smile lights up the whole room, I practically bask in it's brilliance. Yuma giggles, "Well I guess if you're still stressed, one kiss wasn't enough."

This time it's Yuma who darts forward and when our lips meet, it's like the world has stopped turning. Time stops. And it's just me and him, with the whole universe, all to ourselves.

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