Don't You Dare

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Heeey, just for reference (and in case you can't figure it out) this story will take place during the second large scale invasion of Mikumo City. If you haven't watched/read to this point, warning there is spoilers! Enjoy! =w=

I'm running as fast as I can towards Osamu's location, leaping over rubble from the fights. Arashiyama squad is taking on a Rabbit as I pass, but I can't stop and help. I don't have time, I have to get to Osamu.

My whole body feels like it's shattering, and my movements are slowing, I can tell. Fighting that humanoid Neighbor used up a lot of my Trion, which makes it hard to maintain my current body without the after-effects of pain from my real body. Ignoring it the best I can, I start pushing my body even more.

Mini Replica stays close to my ear, whispering information to me. "Bound, double!!" I shout and leap high in the air. "Replica, give me the enemy's location!!" I'm hurrying as fast as I can Osamu!

I can see them, the leader of the Neighbors attacking us, and Osamu. His Trion body is gone, and he's running with 'Chika' in his arms. Why is Osamu in his living body, he's going to be killed!! No. Not if I can help him. "Boost, plus Bolt! Quinte!!" I'm yelling at the top of my lungs, scared that I won't be able to help him, scared that I'll just have let him die.

Wormholes open around Osamu, piercing him through. I can see the blood from here, and I know something vital has been hit. No. No no no. Blood spurts out of his mouth, signaling internal bleeding. He keeps trying to walk forward, shuffling, but he's loosing so much blood.

I cover him as much as I can with my attack, and I see Miwa down the street. Fujin rests in his hands, and slashes quickly hit the Neighbor, as well as additional cover fire from C-ranks in nearby buildings. But it's not enough.

Not until Osamu throws a small object at the portal to the enemy ship. Replica. My heart pangs, because I know Osamu wouldn't throw him alone, that Replica must have analyzed the situation and realized what needed to be done. An infiltration of the enemy ship, something to save both Osamu and Chika's lives.

Osamu collapses, blood pooling underneath him. I'm almost there, I can help him, I have to help him, I have to save him.

The portal crackles, and begins to shrink in on itself, then with a bolt of purple lightning, it's gone. "Osamu!!" I scream, landing and running to his side. "Osamu?"

Blood pools between his gritted teeth, and his hazy gaze tells me he's barely conscious. "Yu........m..a?" He whispers, more blood trickling from his mouth.

And I know. I know he's bleeding too much, I know what death looks like. Osamu is dying and there isn't anything I can do about it. Everyone is too far away, and nothing they could do would help. Nothing anyone could do would help.

He can't die here, in a street. I pick him up, I can feel the scratchiness of unshedable tears in my eyes. I race off towards a house, one that's not as destroyed as the ones surrounding it. Leaning him against a wall, I can feel the faintest pulse, and his breath is nearly non-existent.

I start to panic. Osamu can't die, I need him, I'll be alone again I can't be alone, he needs to keep living he's a good person, he's amazing, I love him and he can't die!!!! Please.... "Osamu... P-please you c-can-t d-die, pleas-se Osam-mu!!" I'm chocking on words, I can't speak around the growing lump in my throat.

Osamu just looks at me, sadly, as if he can't believe I didn't save him. I know that he's almost gone, I know that he probably doesn't blame me, but I blame myself!! I let this happen to him!! I let h-him die!!! I can't even save Osamu. Just like I couldn't save myself. Just like I couldn't save my dad. Osamu is going to die, and there's nothing I can do.

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