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I woke up to Jisung's awarm as usuall.I groaned in frustration as I buried my face in the pillow and pulled the blankets over my head.My roommate stopped the awarm and yalned.

"Felix,come on,you have to get up."He shook me in my cocoon."It's your first day of school today."

"More like first day of hell."I said,lowering the blankets and sitting up.

"Come on,get ready while I'm in the bathroom."He left the room as I rubbed my eyes.

It had been a week and a half since I had stepped foot in District 9 and I liked it a lot.The others were like a family to me,still adjusting to having me around,and let me become a part of them.I had my number changed and was soon going to see a phycologist.My wounds were healing fast,now I could walk normaly again and not flinch every time someone touched my back.

I trew on the clothes I had decided to wear for my first day of the new school and slightly ruffled my messy,blond curly hair,not botheting to touch up on it further.I exited the room and went downstairs to the bathroom.

"Morning Felix."

"Morning hyung."I greeted Minho while we were both waiting for our turns.

"Guys,come on,what's taking you so long?"He asked,knocked on the door and Jisung opened it while he and Changbin were brushing their teeth in front of the mirrors.

Minho went over to his boyfriend,wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his chin on the other's showder.These two were mad clingy.Of course,we had to tolerate them because one,they were eachother's medicine.Jisung calmed the older when he was angry and the taller made the smaller feel safe when his anxiety hit.And two,the dorm was the only safe place for them to show their affection.

Soon,Jisung and Changbin were done and me and Minho started getting ready before someone else came to wait for their turn.

"Has your hair always been like this?"The one on the sink next to mine asked me.

"Yeah,since I can remember.Why?"

"It's just so wavy."

"Is that bad?"

"No,no no no no.It's just rare to see something like that here."

I nodded,finished getting ready,let Jeongin take my place and went to the kitchen.

"Felix,take this."Hyunjin handed me plates and I placed them on the table where everyone usually sat.

After everyone and the table were ready,we sat down and started eating,chattering and laughing.I loved every meal like that-when we all came together and were like a normal family.It always lifted my mood up.At breakfast,everyone was so grumpy and sleepy beforehand,but when we sat down,everything was turning brighter.I honestly wanted those moments to last forever.

When we all were done eating,we did the dishes and cleaned the table,then went to our rooms.Me and Jisung got our things for school.I stood before the mirror,looking at ny reflection and preparing myself.

"Ready for first day of school?"The squrrel placed a hand on my shoulder and smilled.

I sighed deeply and turned to face him.

"Yep.Let's go."

We walked to the front door,put our shoes on with the others following close behind.We exited the dorm,Minho locked the door and we went in front of the building.

"Alright,see ya!"

"See ya."We waved to Changbin and Minho.

Me,Jisung,Hyunjin,Seungmin and Jeongin turned in the opposite direction.

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