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I'm sorry this is a very,very short chapter-952 words,the shortest I've ever written.I'm sorry,the next one will be much longer.

''Seriously,where's Jisung?I'm becoming paranoid....''Hyunjin looked around.

The squirrel had been missing since he went to the toilet last class.Half of lunch had passed now and he was still nowhere to be seen.

''Sorry I'm late.'''He appeared suddenly next to me and sat down.

''Where were you?''I asked.

''I got caught up.''

''With what?''Shuhua tuned in.

''A convo with a guy.He needed help to get to the Chemistry classroom.''

We nodded,but remained suspicious.This was the third time he had disappeared like that.But,we let him go.Soon,the some of the people that Jisung was staring at two weeks ago returned after mssing from their table.I had noticed them sneaking glances at Jisung often.But every time they saw one of us was watching,they would turn away.

''Anyways,how are the tutoring sessions,Felix?Has Jihye done something?''Seungmin asked.

''No.She sometimes attempts,but only when Minjae and the teacher are not around,wich is almost never.''

''Glad to hear.Be careful though.''Hyunjin told me.

''I am.''

Truth is,she was trying to be friendly with me and acted like an angel around Minjae and his mom.I think the adult knew about her from her son.I tried to avoid skinship,conversations and stuff,overall reject her advances as hard as I could.That week was the second to last session and soon,it would be over.

The week had passed faster than expected.And something was definitely wrong.Jisung had become even more sheepish than before.He would nervously glance around,hide behind us more often and would disappear after school.''I'm going to hang out with friends'' he would say and then walk out the door.His socials skills were closer to zero than ever before.We brushed that off with his anxiety rising around the tests that were coming up and the more homework,but I still couldn't get the image of the mischievious grins on those students' faces at lunch out of my head.

''What are you thinking about?''

I looked to Changbin.It was after dinner and we were waiting for our turn to shower.


''Felix.I told you you can tell me anything.''

I hesitated for a bit.

''Can we talk about it somewhere else?''

He nodded.

''Come to the couch after everyone are gone upstairs.''He said.


My shower ended pretty fast.I went to the couch,a towel around my neck to prevent my wet hair from dripping everywhere.I waited for a bit and not long after,Changbin appeared.

''Alright,now tell me what's wrong.''He sat down opposite of me and looked me in the eyes.

I began fiddling with my fingers.

'It's about Jisung.''

''What about him?''

''He often disappears,then comes back with somekinda excuse.''

''Didn't he say he's going out with friends?''

''No,it's not just that.He disappears even in school and...there are these.....really fishy guys at school.....''

The person in front of me became serious right away.

''What guys?''

''I don't know exactly what it is about them.I just have the feeling something is not right with them and that they have somekinda connection with him.And you know,with Jisung's anxiety going up lately...''

Changbin looked down for a bit,thinking.

''I'm going to tell Chan-hyung and Christopher-hyung about this.''

He saw the hesitation in my eyes.I was scared it would just make things worse.

''Felix,don't worry.I'll tell them and Father and see what they can do.You're not doing anything bad right now.You're just conserned.By the way,tomorrow is your tutoring session,right?''

''Yeah.This one and one more and it's over.''

He smiled.

''That's good news.Don't worry,everything will be alright.''He smiled and I grinned back.''You should go dry your hair.I heard there's a pretty bad cold going around and I don't want it to get you.''

I nodded.He ruffled my hair and we both went upstairs.I was still unsure of the outcome of all of this,but decided to trust Changbin.

It was the next day and 3 p.m. was finally nearing.I was ready to floor it out of the Biology classroom.The second it hit,I stood up and started gathering my things.

''Was that you two's last session?''The Biology teacher asked me and Jihye.

''There's one more.''

The mom and her son shared a look.

''I'm sorry to inform you that you'll have to meet up somewhere else next time.''

''W-why?''I felt my stomach drop.

''I won't stay after school anymore because my work is done.''

''I see.Thank you for letting us stay here.''I said,frozen.

''I'm sorry.''Minjae mouthed to me,his eyes apologizing to me over and over to me.

I assured the boy it would be OK.As I began gathering my things again,I looked to Jihye for a split second.And,even for that one second,I could see the smirk plastered on her face.

''This is bad.''I closed the front door and plopped down on the couch,curling into a ball.

''What happened?''Hyunjin and Seungmin immediately came over to me,mad concerned.

''The last session with Jihye won't be at the Biology classroom.

''What?!''The tallest yelled.

''Why?''The other asked.

''The teacher doesn't have any more work there.''

The room fell silent as others came down the stairs.

''What's going on?"Minho asked.

''His tutoring sessions with Jihye won't be at the Biology classroom.''Seungmin answered.

''What?''Changbin said.

The eldest of us were trying to contain their anger and think of a solution.

''Are there any other teachers staying after school?Maybe you can ask them.''Minho suggested.

''There aren't.''

''Maybe we can ask Father to send somebody or stay with you himself?''

''It will be too suspicious.''I sighed.''Don't worry,I'll find a way to deal with it.It's the last one.I'll indure it.''I glanced around.''Jisung's out again,isn't he?''


I looked to Changbin and by the look on his face,I knew he had kept his promise.I tried to be optimistic,but there was something deep inside me that told me something isn't alright.


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