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''I'm sorry,Felix,I can't.But,why do you want to switch her anyway?''

''Please,just,anyone but her!''

''I'm sorry Felix,but,I have to go.''

The teacher left after I had pleaded with her for five minutes to switch my tutor with someone else,leaving me helpless.I went over to Jisung.

''Damb it.God fucking damn it.''I hid my face in my palms and then ran them trough my hair with a sigh.

''Come on,we'll get through this somehow.''The squirrel rubbed my back.

''Felix,hear me out.''I turned my attenshion at Hyunjin.''As less contact and words shared with her as possible,but don't be rude.She can use everything against you and turn everyone against you.

''I swear,if she does something to you...''Seungmin growled lowly.

Lunch finally had come and I was sitting with the others and Shuhua.


I looked up and beside me again stood Jihye with the most innocent smile she could pull off,but her eyes were different.The look in them was equivalent to a smirk.She sat down next to me,multiplaing the tension on the table.

''Too close.''

''I'm your tutor now,so where is our session gonna be,Lixie?''Her innocent tone changed a bit at the nickname and her gaze intensified.

I could see Seungmin in the corner of my eye ready to explode and Hyunjin had am arm on his shoulder to keep him from blowing up as everyone on the table were staring her down intently.My mind was racing,trying to think of a safe place outside the dorm where there are people,but hey won't think we're on a date.

''I recommend the Biology classroom.It's the best place in my opppinion.''

I turned behind me to the person the voice belonged to.He looked to be a few years younger than me,with dirty-pink hair and a warm smile was plastered on his face.

''Y-yeah,in the Biology classroom.''I told Jihye without even looking at her.

Her face dropped for a second,then her innocent and lively expression returned.

''Alright.''She stood up,but threw a glare at the unknown boy before she left.

I looked to my savior.

''Thank you.You're saving my life right now.''

''No problem.''He smiled.''Can I sit with you?''

''Yeah sure!''

He sat down next to me at a much more comfortable distance,unlike Jihye.

''What's your name?''Seungmin asked him.

The atmosphere was slowly returning to normal when I felt a slight pull on my sleeve.I turned to Jisung behind me and could see he was nervous.

''Oh,where are my manners?''The pink-haired boy spoke and reached a hand out to everyone.''I'm Song Minjae,nice to meet all of you.''

He shook hands with everyone,even with a Jisung with a bit of reassurance for the squirrel.

'''So,how old are you?Are you new here?''Shuhua asked Minjae.

''Yeah,my mom is the new Biology teacher.We moved here not too long ago and I was enrolled here.I'm fifteen."

We were surpriced,but not that much,because it was expected.

''So,three years younger than us.''Seungmin concluded.

''Yep.Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable....''

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