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Chanbig POV

The first time I woke up,everything was very weird.It was all spinning and it felt strange when I moved and every time I did,a pain would shoot up me from my back and chest.

''Hey hey calm down!''

I turned and saw someone with short curly blond hair rushing to my side.


I reached out my hand to them,but passed back out before I could even see their face fully.

I woke up again sometime later.Everything was still spinning,but it was better than last time.I took in my surroundings and saw I was in a hospital and my torso was naked.A large bandage was wrapped around it and it was where the pain was.

Suddenly,the door of the room opened and a nurse with short blond hair came through the door.

''You're awake again!Thank God!''She came over to me,followed by another one.''How are you feeling?''

''Somewhat fine.''I answered.

I was upset.I had mistaken her for Felxi.I really wanted it to be Felix.

''Can you sit up for a second?''

I did,slowly,and immediately became sick.

''You may become a little sick,because the anesthesia is wearing off.''

''I noticed.''

''Alright,your bandage hasn't bled through,so that's good.You have to remain laying down though.''She said as I laid back down.

Memories of what happened before flooded into my head.I remember pushing Felix away,then a gunshot went off and I felt this very,very,very hot feeling go through my back,then I collapsed.There was so much yelling around me,but all I could hear was Felix's shouts.My eyes started watering just thinking about it and the guilt.He probably thought I was dead.

''What's wrong?''The blond nurse aksed me,worried.

''Nothing.''I wiped my eyes.''Just....thinking about someone.''

''You know....''She spoke after a bit of thinking.''While you were asleep,you kept muttering the word ''Lixie'' and you mistook me for them the first time you woke up.''

''Yeah,you two look similar.''

''There's actually a boy named Felix in the next room over that came from the same place you did and kinda looks like me.''

My eyes widened as I looked towards her and the other nurse in the room shot her a glare.

''What?''The blond looked towards her co-worker.''They may be related.''

The other nurse scoffed and shook her head.

''Can....can I see him?''I asked,trying to contain my tears.

''I shouldn't be doing this,but.....come on.I'll help you get up and cover yourself.''

I sat up and the nausea attacked me immediately.

''Easy,easy,we don't want you to throw up or fall.''

I managed to get up and put a shirt over myself,then proceeded to wobble slowly to the next room over.Everything was spinning and I felt so,so sick,but if it meant that I would be able to see Felix,it was all worth it.

After what seemed like an eternity,the nurses managed to get me and my IV to the door.They opened it and helped me walk inside.I looked up around the room and saw him on the bed closest to me.My heart shattered at the sight.

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