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I looked up to the bigass bump with a bandage over it on my forehead as we were walking to school.

''Come on,you'll be fine.''Jisung told me.

''Sorry,I can't help it.I just look like a pirate.''

''Well,I did it the best I could.Sorry....''Jeongin apologized to me.

''No no,don't apologize,please.''I sighed.''I'll go through with it.''

We entered the school building and I could feel all eyes on me.The classes passed with me receiving weird looks and questions about what happened from my teachers and acquaintances.Lunch finally came and we headed to the cafeteria.Soon,Jeongin and Shuhua had entered the massive room.The moment the latter saw me,she hurriedly came over to me.

''Are you OK?What happened to you?''She eyed the bandage,worried.

''I'm fine,don't worry.I just bashed my head really bad.Nothing serious.''

She ever so slightly touched the bump and it made me flinch back.

''Oh God I'm sorry.''

''It's OK.Don't worry,it will go away soon.''

Shuhua sat down.''Where's Minjae?''

We all looked around in search for him.We finally spotted him coming towards us.


''Minjae,over here!''

We glanced to another table where younger students were seated and ne of them,a black haired boy,was waving our pink-head over.The latter gave us a look that said:''I really want to sit with you,but I also really really want to sit with them.''.

''Are they friends?''I asked him.

He nodded.

''Go then.''

He looked at me wide-eyed,trying to contein his excitement.

''It's OK.''I gave him a smile.

He grinned back,then went and sat down next to the black-haired boy.

''So,he found friends,huh?''Hyunjin said.

''Guess so.'Seungmin answered him.

We all smiled,watching Minjae happily chatting with his piers.

I turned to Jisung,not really thinking about what I was doing,and saw him looking towards a table.I followed his gaze to the peole there.Thay all had mischievous grins while staring right at the squirrel next to me.The latter had this uneasy expression and was fiddling with his fingers.After the strangers noticed I was watching,they returned to talking with eachother.

''Do you know them?''I asked Jisung.

He shook his head immediately.Too quickly.I felt something was of with the situation,but decided not to press him on the matter.

The next two weeks passed with little to no accidents.The bump on my forehead disappeared.I had noticed that the guys were preparing for something,but didn't know what.That night was one of them.It was after dinner and I was sitting on the couch in the living room,watching TV,with Changbin,Seungmin and Jeongin,the latter duo deeply absorbed in a video on the second youngest's phone and Chan and Woojin were preparing something in the kitchen with Minho.I looked to them with curiousity.

''What are they doing?''I asked out loud.

''Oh,yeah,you don't know.''I turned to Changbin.''Tomorow Mother has a birthday and us and the others are going to be there.''

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