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Third person pov

Everything happened too quickly.

''Can I help you with somethi-''

Minho was cut off by the cop pining him to the floor with his hands behind his back as the other police officers barged inside the house.

''Hyung what's going on?''Jisung asked.''HYUNG?WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE?!''

''JI!''Minho was infuriated.He knew his boyfriend was panicking right now.''Ji stay calm I'm-''He tried moving his hands,but he was already handcuffed.

One second Changbin was holding Felix in his arms,the next they heard loud bangs from downstairs,and then the cops flung the room's door open.They pried the two lovers away from eachoher.

''Wait what's going on?''Changbin asked as he and Felix were handcuffed.''Felix just stay calm,alright?''

The said boy was beggining to get scared,but nodded non-the-less as the police dragged him off.He saw Hyunjin,Seungmin and Jeongin receiving the same treatement.

''Seungmin don't put up a fight,I'm sure everything will be OK,alright?''The tallest yelled to the boy.

They were put in cop cars.The police got into the front seats and began driving somewhere.Felix had Woojin next to him.The younger gave the latter a sheepish glance.The older smiled encouragingly at him,even though he himself was worried.Felix noticed that they were out of Seoul now.

''Where are we going?"He thought,the pit inside his stomach growing deeper.

He soon saw a building in the distance.

''Wait,is that...a mental asylum?!"

He looked at Woojin again,this time even more scared.The oldest this time didn't give off an encouraging vibe.He knew that now,things definitely weren't good.He knew the worst fear of the whole District 9 might be coming true.And he was scared.Not for himself,but everyone else.The cops pulled the eight boys out.


''Jisung,please,stay calm.''

Minho's heart was shattering,seeing his boyfriend practically getting crushed from his anxiety disorders.One of them,the Separation anxiety one,meant that Jisung was afraid from being separated from things he had attached himself to.And that thing was his boyfriend.Now that they were separated like this,Jisung's anxiety levels were through the roof.

Felix shared a look with Changbin.They both saw fear in each other's eyes,but the older did his best to not show much of it to not scare his lover any more.

They were led inside.A doctor came out of the hallway to see them.A nurse went over to him and they talked about something.The eight boys shared glances.

''...right put them out.''Felix managed to hear.

His breath hitched and his eyes widened.

''He said put them out!''He shouted and started resisting the cop's grip.The boys panicked and started resisting too.Jisung was now crying histerically as Minho was trying his best to run over to him.The squirrel's cries slowly ceased as anesthetic was injected into him.

''JISUNG!''Minho yelled and began to struggle even more.''LET ME GO!''

Everyone desperately tried to get to their significant other and Jeongin to Woojin.As more of the asylum's staff came though,one by one,the boys were put to sleep,Minho and Woojin falling last.

''Hyung...''Felix called out,extending his hand to Changbin as his eyelids got heavier and heavier.The two's fingers touched as they passed out.

That was the last thing Felix remembered.Now,he was alone,in a white room,in white clothes.His previously very wavy hair was now straightened and slid back,packed with hair gel.He closed his eyes and sighed.

''Just get me out of here.''


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