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This chapter will get graphic.Please,watch out for that and I'm sorry if it triggers you.

Felix POV

Two weeks had passed after we were brought in the asylum.I was feeling fine physically,but on the inside,I was nowhere near alright.I was constantly worried about the others.Where were they?What were those doctors doing to them?How are they?

The first week,more and more new kids and young adults were brought in the facility.They were all passed out.To my horror,I recognized one of them as Miyeon from (G)I-dle.I tried getting past the bars I was kept behind and shouted to wake her up,but I just got shoved back over and over again as she was dragged away.

My days were complete boredom.A doctor and two nurses would come twice a day to check up on me and that was it.I just wanted to know how my friends were.How my boyfriend was.I wondered what was going on in the outside world.Were Got7 caught?Was Chanvcaught?What about Father and Mother?Are they going to save us?How did they find us?What's going to happen now?

Will I ever see the others again?

Jisung POV

Two weeks off medication.That and the fact I was experiencing so much stress were enough to break me.I was alone.I didn't have Minho,nor Chan,nor Felix.No one.My anxiety was eating me alive.I was buried under the covers,crying or sleeping most of the time.But,dreamland wasn't any better.It just took me back to where all of this started.

''Come on,Jisung!''Hyebin yelled as we ran around the sidewalk.

''Yeah come on!''Yerin joined her.

These two were my best friends.I was a popular kid at my old school,but they were my closest friends.Hyebin was my friend sine we were kids,we were like siblings,our moms knew eachother since middle school and were best of friends too.If I wasn't gay,she would've probably been my soulmate.Yerin had joined us from freshman year of highschool.I never got as close to her as I was with Hyebin,but she too was someone I wouldn't switch for anyone else.Of course,I never told them about my sexuality,because I was scared.I had seen what had happened to other kids at school who came out,so I stayed in the closet.My plan was to never come out of it and if I couldn't stay single 'till the end of my life,then I would marry Hyebin and that would be it.But,it didn't go as planned.

As we were chasing eachother,I decided to surprise-attack Hyebin.I ran towards her on full speed.She screeched and began running away from me,giggling and laughing.She was looking back at me and wasn't seeing where she was going.Both of us were too caught up in what we were doing that we didn't notice the light of the walkway ahead of us was red.Until it was too late.My eyes widened as I finally noticed it.Hyebin was half-way on the through the walkway already.


I heard the horn of a truck coming her way.I watched as her face turned terrified and the giant vihacle hit her full-force.Her body flung away from the impact and rolled onto the crossroad.Before the cars could fully stop,one ran her over again.The sickening sound of bones cracking filled the air.I stood there and watched it all,motionless.Her body was twisted in inhuman ways,her hair was covering her face and a puddle of blood was forming around her.There was blood everywhere her body had been.Everything went death suddenly and I was frozen.Until the feeling hit me.


It was the day of her funeral.I walked to her casket to see her one last time.Her once beautiful face was now covered in scars from the face reconstruction she had gone through.

''I-I'm so sorry....I'm so,s-so so-rry....''I sobbed uncontrollably.

I watched as the casket was lowered to the bottom of the 6 feet-deep pit and the hole got filled up with dirt.All the people there were sobbing and crying.Her mom and dad were derstroyed.The whole ceremony,I could feel someone's eyes drilling a hole in the back of my head.And I would soon find out who's glare that was.

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