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Felix POV

I was looking up at the ceiling as usual when I heard something was happening outside my cell.I got up and went over to the bars,then peeked to where the noise was coming from.There were security and doctors pulling other kids like me out of their cells and then leading them somewhere.

''What's going on in here?''

Soon,they reached me.I was handcuffed and led out somewhere by the security.They stopped in front of a door where other kids were led to before,unlocked it and pushed me inside.

It was the yard of the asylum.There were bushes with blooming flowers on them.There were also others like me there.That was the first time I had been out of my cell for the past three weeks and I finally breathed fresh air in.I sat down at one of the benches near the bushes.It was night time and there were giant spotlights to light up the place.I looked around to the other people around me.I sighed.I knew no one.My thoughts drifted back to my friends.I got up and started searching for them.After I circled the place around three times,I concluded that they weren't there.I sighed again in disappointment and sat down again.


I looked up to see a girl standing opposite of me.


The stranger sat down next to me,then extended her hand out to me for a handshake.

''I'm Gaheyon,from Dreamcatcher.''

I remembered the name.

''Jisung told me about them....''

''I'm Felix from Stray kids.''

We shook hands and sat in silence.

''Why did you decide to come here and sit next to me?''I asked.

''I don't know anybody here and you looked lonely,so I decided to make friends with someone.''

I nodded.''You said you're from Dreamcatcher?''


''Do you know where your friends are?''

She shook her head.''I don't.You?''

''I don't too.''I sighed.''I miss them.''

''Me too.''

Suddenly,there was a commotion.


Me and Gaheyon ran over to where it was happening,but were held back by security.Two boys were being separated by four buff men,but were holding onto the other's hand for dear life in a desperate attempt to stay together.



Security pulled stronger on them and managed to get them to let go of each other.

''JAE NO!''

The guy named Brian started shouting and struggling against his captors and the one with the name Jae was doing the same,tears cascading down his cheeks.The two's shouts and cries soon died down as they were put to sleep.My heart tore as the two were carried away to God knows where.Me and Gaheyon were let go as the security retreated.She put an arm on my shoulder and our eyes met.I could see the same pain in her eyes.I sighed and we sat back down again.

''I want to be out of here.''She said quietly.

''Me too.''

I brang my knees up and hugged them,resting my head onto them.I missed the others.I missed the dinners we had togetether.Woojin and his comforting and calming presence.Chan,his DID system,their delicious food and never-ending support.Minho and his funny anger tantrums.Hyunjin and his dramalama alter-ego.Jisung and his stupid jokes.Seungmin and his mischiefs.Jeongin and his precious smile.And most of all,Changbin.I missed his voice.His touch.His cuddles.His kisses.

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