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 It was a week that was gonna be full of exams and everyone were stressing out.Our hyungs had made sure we were prepared and told us not to worry a a lot,but it was inevitable.We had finished day one of tests and it was the night before the second-the absolute hell with Math and Chemistry a few classes apart.After the older in the dorm knew we were alright for tomorow,we all went to bed.I got woken up in the middle of the night to screaming coming from the next room and ran out of mine.Everyone were already heading to Minho and Seungmin's room as well.After Hyunjin bolted in there,I peeked my head inside.I saw Seungmin still asleep,but he was crying,kicking violently and shouting.

"NO!STOP!DON'T!PLEASE,STOP!"He yelled as Hyunjin caught him by the showers and shook him hard.

"Seungmin!Seungmin,wake up!"He shouted,but the boy wasn't waking up.

 I got an idea and ran downstairs to the kitchen.I grabbed a cup,filled it up with water,bolted back to Seungmin and splashed the liquid on his face,finally awaking him.The latter gasped and opened his eyes for a second,then started wiping his face and breathed heavily.

"A nightmare again?"Hyunjin asked softly and the second youngest nodded.

"Sorry I woke you all up...."The latter looked down.

"It's alright,don't worry about it."Minho patted his shoulder.

"Also,who splashed water on my face?"

 Everyone slowly pointed to me and Seungmin kinda glared at me.

"You weren't waking up and that's the first thing that came to mind to wake you up!"I threw my hands in the air.

 Seungmin sighed."Come on,let's go back to sleep."

"You sure?"Changbin asked him.

"Yeah,don't worry,I'll be alright."The second youngest laid back down and we left the room.

I got back in my bed after returning the cup in it's place and turned off the lights.Seungmin's shouts were echoing in my head.He sounded so...scared.Terrified.Like something was going to torture him.I wondered what had happened to him before he had come to District 9,but didn't want to be nosy,so I hadn't asked.I actually hadn't questioned anyone about their past.I just knew it had to be really dark.

 I woke up in the morning to the awarm from my phone.I got up and went downstairs with the paper where I had written the chemical reactions and math formulas for the day and started reading it for the 100th time while brushing my teeth.Changbin was standing over the sink next to mine,fixing his hair and doing a little skincare routine.I looked away from the note in my hand to rince my mouth and caught him staring at me before he could turn away.I was about to exit the bathroom when he stopped me.

"Your hair."

 I imediately went for my hairbrush after seeing my reflection.I had forgotten to brush my hair because I was soo deep in revising.

"Thanks hyung."I smiled at him.

 He grinned back,reached out his hand and......ruffled my hair.

"I-I gotta go."I quickly excused myself and almost ran out of the bathroom.

''Felix,are you alright?''Jisung asked me.

''Y-yeah,don't worry.''

 I had just noticed that I was trailing behind the others on the way to school while deep in thoughts.Changbin had ruffled my hair.I didn't want to leave him so rudely back at the bathroom,but I couldn't let him see the blush on my cheeks.I mean,even though he was shorter than me,he was still damn handsome.Icould also see he was exsersizing a lot.

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