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My eyes widened as I stared at my ex-boyfriend and the person standing next to him.Her expression became just as shocked at his.

''Lixie is that you?''My little sister said qietly,extending her hand towards me.

Changbin immediately caught me by the elbow and pulled me back.

''I'm sorry,I think you have the wrong person.''He said and we began quickly walking away.

''No wait-''My sister was cut off by the door slamming after us.

''Don't look back.''My boyfriend told me as we were speed-walking towards the first floor.

He took out his phone and called someone.

''Hyung,me and Felix have to get out of here,now.Someone recognized him.''We walked out into the underground parking lot and towards the car.''Alright,we're waiting but be quick.I don't know if they followed us or not.''

He hung up and continued to drag me to the car.We hit behind a random car not too far away from ours.

''Duck down a bit.We can't risk them seeing you.''

I obeyed as he stuck his head out to look if someone was following us.He sighed from relief and came back down to me.

''Are you alright?''He asked me softly.

I stayed quiet,making him sigh out of distress this time.He caught my hand in his and began rubbing it in a comforting manner.Soon,Father appeared and we jumped out of our hiding spot and got in the car right after him.

''What happened back there?''He asked as he started the car.

''We were at the balcony when a guy and a girl saw us and recognized him.''Changbin explained.

''Did you do something?''

''I told them they had the wrong person and got us out of there before they could do anything else.''

''Good.Felix?''I lifted my head to look at Father through the rierview mirror.''Are you alright?''

I nodded weakly and placed my head onto my boyfriend's shoulder.The parent dropped us off at the dorm soon and we got inside.As soon as we put away our outdoor clothing,Changbinnturned to me.

''What's wrong Lixie?''He cupped my face and made me look up at him.

My eyes met his worried ones,then I looked back down.He sighed,grabbed my hand and led me upstairs.He sat me down on his bed and I curled up in a ball as he sat down next to me and covered us with a blanket,then wrapped his hand around me.

''My little baby...."He said quietly with an underline of sadness in his tone.

I sighed and snuggled closer into him.I couldn't get the image of Rin and my sister's faces out of my head.The way their eyes had began to tear up,how they pleaded for me to tell them it's me.For a moment,all I wanted to do was to hug them and tell them that it's me,that I'm alright,but then I remembered I couldn't.I couldn't have connections with my past life anymore.Or else District 9 would be discovered and I would ruin everything and the peace of everyone.Thank God Changbin pulled me out of there,because I don't know how much more I could resist from crying in front of them and reveal myself.I missed them.A lot.

I couldn't hold it in any longer.Tears began sliding down my cheeks and sobs escaped my mouth.Changbin hugged me even tighter and rocked me like a baby in his arms as my cries intensified.

''It's OK,it's OK....''He whispered and kissed the top of my head as I cried in his chest and gripped his shirt.

After I had finally calmed down,he laid us down with me on top of him,me sniffling.

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