Chp 20 - Jeff and Sully

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"You don't remember a thing do you. Where do I even start?" He sighed. "He's been in control for a whole week now. Him and Jeff nearly killed each other. He went on a killing spree and disappeared for 3 days before returning, he was a real handful. If I had to be honest, I think I would prefer you over him, and that says a lot." He tapped his chin. "That about sums it up."

Just in case you forgot. Sorry for the massive wait, i have a love-hate relationship with this, i don't really know if i like it or absolutely hate it. But either way- I'm going to keep going for you guys! This chapter will be a sort of a flashback!! They'll be more action in the next chapter i promise! Hope you enjoy lovelies.(*''*)╯♡


Life in the mansion had been quite hectic with the new soul in the hosts body.

"What a shame."

In Sully's hands was a smashed framed photo of the two woods brothers at a young age, both hugging tightly onto each other. It was such a cheesy photo - A horribly blurry but memorable photo.

The photo had been hidden in the forgotten zones of underneath Jeffrey's bed. Simply there, collecting dust and slight mould. How disgusting.

Liu had such respect for him, and this was how he treated him in return. He couldn't even maintain a stupid little photo.

This angered Sully.

"I wish Liu could see this. But the weakling is in need of a rest."

"...I will stay in control for now."

He slowly lifted up his fist and swung it at the glass framing of the photo. Red crimson blood dripped from his hands. Only earning a simple shrug from Sully.

After all, he had several stitches and not to mention a missing organ. This was of little concern to him.

With a quick nod to himself, he ripped away the frame and took out the photo and scrunched it up. Ensuring that he would crumble and tear it up fully before slipping it into his pocket.

"Little shits don't deserved to be framed." He whispered to himself, gazing upon the boring and plain room.

He froze for a moment.

He had suddenly had the feeling that their were eyes laid on him, watching him from the shadows.

With one swift movement, he turned his body around and pointed the sharpened knife at the paled skin boy. "What the fuck do you want?"

A menacing laugh escaped the lips of his common enemy. "Do you ever shut up? You've been talking to yourself for ages." Jeff lowered his knife with the tip of his finger as he slowly pushed it away from his neck. A wide grin forming on his face as he did. "It's Sully, yes?"

"So what If it was? Did you come here so we could finish our fight? I do look forward to killing you." Sully teased.

Jeff bursted out into a mocking laughter. "Me? You couldn't, even if you tried." He shook his head as he looked down, a few little tchs popping up here and there. "You're pathetic."

He thought... he thought I was pathetic? I'm a god compared to that loser!

He gritted his teeth harshly together, that if you listened carefully enough, you could even audibly hear his fuming rage. "Why don't we find out then?!" Sully yelled, anger rising in his voice.

He reared back his knife and stabbed him straight in the shoulder.

Well at least that's what he had thought had happened.

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