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Constellations (LEADER)
The Constellation is a very respected cat, as it is believed that the Star Bounders have chosen them to lead the clan. The leader has all of the power in the Clan and is known as a celestial being. Anything they say is law, and any cat unable to follow will be punished (or not, depending on who is leading). The leader can only be a certain few signs, as they have leaderistic qualities. Their suffix is -star. (Capricorn, Scorpio, Leo, Aries, Taurus.)

The Galaxy only has respect because the constellation has chosen them. The deputy is a desired position as it grants power. They do not have as much power as the Constellation since the deputy has less power. Their suffix is still their warrior suffix, since only the extremely blessed cats have special suffixes. Their sign must be a leaderistic sign, otherwise they cannot be a deputy. (Capricorn, Scorpio, Leo, Aries, Taurus.)

Star Guiders can speak to the Star Bounders. They receive signs as dreams or as an event in their lives. They might be about a cat, or a future event / danger. The Star Guiders meet with the Star Bounders every 6 moons, to please and connect with their ancestors. If they miss any moons, the Star Bounders will punish the whole clan. They have a large amount of responsibility and missing more than 3 meetings will result in a punishment to said cat. Their sign also determines if they are a medicine cat. Star Guiders are also not allowed to have mates, as there is a risk of them being queens and unavailable to heal the clan. (Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius)

The Star Soldiers learn how to fight and hunt for the clan and the cats within it. They are very valuable, yet do not hold much power. They can request for things, like to choose their own mate. Their sign also will decide for them if they are to be a Star Soldier. Star Soldiers risk their lives for the clan, to feed and protect them. Star Soldiers can be leaders if their star sign is one of the leading ones. (Aquarius, Pisces, Libra)

Starlings are young cats 6+ moons old who are training to become either a warrior or a medicine cat. These cats do not hold any power, as older cats believe that they are not knowledgeable enough to have that kind of responsibility.

Queens are pregnant she-cats. They are respected no matter their history in the clan (whether they broke a rule and got punished). The reason they are respected are because they have kits, which populates the clan and builds it. A queen cannot be punished for any wrong doings, even if she uses one energy to do so. After their kits are apprentices, however, they go back to their regular role and CAN be punished by one of the punishments listed.

Kits are newborns to the clan, and are kits for six moons before ranking up to Starlings. Their sign determines whether they will learn the ways of a Star Guider or a Star Soldier. There is a rare possibility that they will be a cusp as well, but it is rare.

A cusp is a cat born with two different zodiac signs. They are very special, and are thought of very highly. Their zodiac sign does not limit their power, yet they still do not have as much power as the leader. These cats can be either a Star Guider or a Star Soldier, they have 100% choice. They have as much respect as the leader, and other than that, that is really it. They do not have any special ranks, just a special title and respected place in the clan. A wheel will be used to decide if any liter of kits are cusps.

These cats are basically the ones who have broken the Clan rules, and are prisoners or punished. Prisoners have one less energy, and cannot do anything alone. If they want to hunt, they must hunt with at least two other cats. If they want to train a skill, there must be at least one or two cats to train/watch and make sure they do not do anything wrong. It is possible to earn the trust of the Clan back, and go back to your original position. Star Guiders can also be asteroids if they miss to many meetings or break any rules that will be listed lower down. Asteroids might also have a mentor, depending on how bad the crime they committed was. So basically, anyone who does anything 'wrong' in the Clan and Star Bounder's eyes can be demoted to this rank.