The Beacon That Shone On

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In a midst of darkness
A beacon
Shone on
Through the chaos
Of battleships
And rain
A lighthouse
Shone on
In the distance.

Never once did it falter
It separated the righteous
From the damned.

Brightly shining
At the lumens
Of tens of thousands
Lightning bugs
Transfixing all who saw it.

The war continued
As if the beacon were
Not ever there
But for the briefest moments
A sense of tranquillity
Washed over the crowd
Forcing the crowd
Of blood spilling warriors
To stare at the hypnotic beacon.

With the silent breath of the sea
The war begun again
As if nothing ever happened.

A vicious cycle
Of sorts repeated
Until one woman remained
Clothed in her blood spattered armor
Sheathing her bloodened sword
The woman captained the boat
That she stood upon
Sailing it toward
The brilliantly shining beacon.

The woman of war
Reached the shore
Of a luscious green island
Of heavy weight
Hung at the branches
Of trees
Nothing like this had she ever saw.

Birds fly overhead
As the woman stands
On the edge of the boat
Mouth agape in awe.

For war and chaos
Is all she ever known.

Unclipping her armor
Gently placing it upon the ship
She climbs off
With her sword attached to her hip.

With each tentative step
She moves further into the unknown.

Trees bend with the wind
Birds caw overhead
And the beacon shines on.

As the unknowing women
Walks along the island floor
Thorns creep out
Stabbing in the utmost vulnerable places
The targets of their attack
To still her quickening speed
The soles of her feet
To warn for not every danger
May be handled with her sword alone
The soles of her ivory white feet
Glimmering with droplets of blood.

Each step takes her closer
To the shining beacon.

Reaching it at last
For what she saw in front of her
Left her speechless.

A man stood before her
His eyes
Are what captivated her most of all
They reminded her of the ocean
His skin soft to the touch
Hair brown as the Earth's soil
The woman
Was awestruck
How one man alone
Was able to shine so brilliantly
For he was deemed perfect
In her eyes.

Kitten signing off-

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