Ghost of You

73 4 10

Standing there
A halo
Of golden
Rapunzel like fair hair.

The warmth
That radiated off of you
Was that of blazing inferno.

With hand open
You held a piece of
My already fragile heart
In your hands.

Keeping it safe.

By my side
Through thick and thin
You protected me
From the harsh world.

Fights galore
Our friendship never wavered
My fragile heart
You kept safe.

A difficult year
I thought
It would have been better
Oh was I wrong.

Your aura
Shimmers bright
Vibrant colors of
And very rarely
A dull yellow.

With each passing day
The wave of emotions
Consume you.

Sitting in front of me
A person
All alone
Of their own free will
The broken mask
Slips away from your face
A realization hits
It was all a façade.

I never actually knew you
All that I knew was a pretty and perfect
Mask you held on your face
These past few weeks
It has been cracking
And getting worn on the edges.

For I was never enough
No matter what action
Or speech
Or caring hugs
Nothing ever met your standards.

I see you now
For who you are
A delicate and fragile girl
Stuck in the past
Longing for what could've been
The look in your eyes says all.

You say you are scared
To talk to the one
Who has taken a residence
In your heart
Perception alone I use
You yearn for him
But are scared for what could

Are you scared to be happy?

I tried to fill the void
But a lover's void
Can never be filled
When you're hardening
The thick concrete
Walls that surround your heart.

I'll forever be
Staring at
The ghost of your former self.

I'll selfishly miss
The beautiful mask
That was my best friend.

I, no matter
How bad it tortures me
I'll be by your side
One way or another
I'll be there.

I take off my mask
Repairing it
Fixing it
Back it goes
On to
My paper white skin
Another day
I smile
Making sure
I look happy
Hairline cracks
Start to form
As I smile
To show I have moved on
I'm happier.

Truth is
The girl you met
Over a year ago
Has not changed
You still
Mean a great deal to me.

I bid
My best friend

Kitten signing off-

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