The One That Got Away

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You moved on
Yet I'm left here
About the what ifs
And the could've beens.

When we met
Never expected
To get attached
Was supposed to be
A one night stand
A one time thing
No strings attached.

But little did I know
You'd be the one
I kept coming back to
Time and again.

Each time
My feelings grew stronger
Heart growing fonder.

Until you became
All I could think about.

Days turned into weeks
Weeks turned into months
Months turned into years
Before we grew the courage
To try to make it work.

Yet if I would have known
Loving you
Could only bring us both pain
And heartbreak
In the end
Never would I have let myself
Say those three words back
To you.

I'd do anything
To be in your arms
However vast bodies
Of water will constantly
Separate us.

So I've
To do
Nothing at all.

I've come to terms with
Letting you go.

Not that
I'm saying it's going to be easy.

I need to learn to hate you
But learning to hate you
Is concept
My heart
Can't seem to grasp.

Forever I believe
It will always yearn
And ache for you
And your touch alone.

You want to know
What truly sucks
The day I lost you
Was because of me
And my stupid stupid
Mouth and actions.

That day that I lost you
I lost not only
A man I've came
To love with all my heart
All soul
My entire being
But I lost my best friend.

My heart will always
Be yours
And praying
For your return
To reclaim it.

Until then
A searing pain
In my chest
Will be the constant
Of who I lost.

Little Book of PoetryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang