Farewell (Happier)

17 2 0

What am I supposed to say
That I'm alone
And everything everyone says
I perceive as a lie?

Well that's how I feel
No one has the power
To change
The thoughts that swirl
Over and over through my mind.

The pangs that sound
Throughout my body
Take my breath away
Sending me to my knees
Hands placed upon my chest
Tears stream down my face
As each word you ever spoke
Plays like a broken record
All in my mind.

That soft accent I'm starting
To forget
Starting to forget you.

It terrifies me
I don't want to forget you
However even the little things
Like your birthday
I can no longer recall.

With you
My demons awaken
But without you
I'm so utterly alone
I try to replace you
But you're irreplaceable
I love you
I hate you.

I've never been so confused
In my damn life
Until you walked in
But I'm willing to try
Why would I though?

You say everything
About me is a lie
Attempting again
Is just setting myself up
For failure.

For the fifth time in my life
I tell my best friend
I hope you're happy.

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