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There once was
A broken doll
Never thought of as pretty
So many cracks upon it
They were mended
But all the same
They were scars.

Scars of
The internal
And external war.

Tossed about
From person
To person
Once bored of it
Off it went

So many
Cruel names;
Each one filled
Its hollow body
With self hate.

The self hate
Was too much
It corrupted it
Too far beyond help.

A sad cycle
It continued
To person.

Hope if you got this far reading my poetry,you see there are people out there who understand you. You are never alone. Always remember that.

On to a less serious note please vote and comment. If you haven't yet,I hope you check out my other work. "Everyone Has a Vice" is currently under editing but so far on minor details have changed. The biggest thing to have changed so far is the synopsis. Well have a wonderful day/night!

I just hope everyone is staying safe and staying healthy.

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