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I could use words
To describe
Your worth
But money
Nor words
Could ever
Or convey
Just how much
You mean to me.

When my head
Rests against
Your chest
The steady rhythm
Of your heartbeat
Eases my

My head
With your gentle hand
You tell me it's going
To be okay,
Even when I
Stain your shirt
With my tears.

Both hands
I clench
Onto your shoulder
Begging for you
Not to leave me
All alone
For 74 days and nights
As I whimper
Another wave of
Fresh tears.

You ease me
Away from you
Then with a tenderness
You kiss my cheek
Muttering a few words
That make me smile
Making it easier to breathe.

Stroking your thumb
Against the side of my face
You wipe away a glistening tear.

Leaning down
Your lips press against mine
With a feather like softness
Invoking a fire of joy
Deep within my heart.

Kitten signing off-

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