Future Revision Notice

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Dear readers,

 I had written this story when I was seventeen years old. It was a delicate age. When it came to writing, I was driven, passionate, carefree. I had a lot of time in my hands. 

But now, at twenty one, with a newfound knowledge of the world and perspective about love, I had thought about revising this story. Meaning, fixing the plot holes, changing the story, and re-building the characters. I would like to change the way this story is told—make it more profound. 

This is a draft story. My very first novel. There are a lot of mistakes here. It might take me a while to re-shape the entirety of this story, but please bear with me. If ever I started with the revised IWLA, it's going to be a whole new story. 

This one will remain here as is, just for the sake of my sentimentality. 

If I were to post the revised story, I'll be sure to announce it here.

Yours truly,

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