Chapter 17

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The next day.
We woke up and Dakota was there standing over me and Trevor's head's. "HEY! IT'S YOUR FRIEND THAT YOU LEFT AT THE O2L HOUSE!!!" Dakota said very angry. "Sorry." I said. "WELL IM NOT FORGIVING YOU!!!" said Dakota. "Ya, then I will be her friend tomorrow" I whispered to Trevor.
Dakota grabbed my arm then dragged me off the bed were me and Trevor just got up. "COME ON!" said Dakota rushing me to get out the door. "BYE! LOVE YOU!" I said while Dakota was slamming shut the door to Trevor's room. Then Dakota dragged me out his front door, we got to the side walk. "here we go.." I thought. "WHY!? JUST WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE ME FOR HIM!?" said Dakota. "I. Don't. Know." I said the final time. "lets just go home!" I said a little bit pissed. "whatever!" said Dakota angry.

The next day after the argument

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off sing the song * XIAT by Trevor Moran * telling me I have a text.
From Trevor - hey, u okay from when.......Dakota.......ya know.

From Amber - Ya I'm fine..........i guess. I will be alright.

From Trevor - just making shore. love u see u later today maybe? at my house?

From Amber - i cant, my mom want's me to take a brake from hanging out with o2l and Conner so I can hang with Dakota. But I would love to hang out but of corse can't it fucking sucks!

From Trevor - When are u allowed to start hanging out again?!?

From Amber - I don't know Trevor. She said it would be a good while.

From Trevor - Well hopefully we can hang out soon. gtg love u!

From Amber - love u too!

After the texting was over
.I got up brushed my teeth did my hair. It was -June 9- my bday. but after I was ready I went down stairs. When I got down I saw my mom, Dakota, my cousin Alicia, Kian, Jc, Sam, Ricky, Conner, and then the best person Trevor. " SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMBER!" yelled every one down there. " Happy birthday! said Jc. "Aren't u like a old fart now?" said Kian joking around. " NO GURL! SHE BE 16 TODAY!" said Ricky making me laugh. "Come here." I said to Trevor, he walked over to me. " You jackass you set me up when texting me!" I said playfully. "Ya. Every thing was part of the plan. Your mom fake grounded you. Dakota got fake mad at you and I fake texted you." said Trevor. " Your such a jackass." I said. "Well you love this jackass." Trevor stated. "True I said then gave him a big hug.
"Hey little cousin." said Alicia. "hey!" I said. " See you and Trevor are hitting it off." she said while Trevor was right beside me. " we are actually dating." said Trevor to Alicia. "OH, Ambers got a boyfriend Ambers got a boyfriend!" teased Alicia.

Later on still with every one there
"Hey Happy Bday Amber!" said Conner giving me a hug. I hugged him back. " Thanks Con!" I said. " Trevor's really lucky to have a girl like you!" said Conner, putting his hand on his neck and looking around to see if Trevor was near, he wasn't. "Thank's!" I said, flattered by his compliment. Right then Conner started leaning in close to me. Then I saw Trevor out of the corner of my eye. "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CONNER!?!" yelled Trevor to Conner. "N.......n.....nothing!" said Conner really fast. " YOU WANNA GO BOY! YOU WANNA GO!" said Trevor wanting to fight with Conner. I was still right in the middle of both of them. " YA LITTLE BOY LETS GO!" yelled Conner at Trevor. Kian and Alicia came and pulled me away. Then Kian took me and put me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and took me up stair Alicia following him. " WHAT THE HELLS GOING ON! PUT ME DOWN! KIAN PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed. "NO!" Kian yelled back at me.

Me, Kian, and Alicia got upstairs in my room and then Kian put me down. "LET ME OUT I NEED TO HELP TREVOR!" I screamed. "NO! Jc and Sam are probably braking them apart right now." said Kian calmly but worried. "LET ME UP! CONNER'S GONNA KILL TREVOR FOR ALL WE KNOW! I said knowing Conner works out a lot and Trevor.....doesn't. " he will be fine" said Alicia and Kian still holding me down on my bed so I couldn't get up. Any one in the house could hear the fighting but a second later the sound stopped. "is it over?" I asked. " I don't know but I will go down with you to check" said Kian. We went down and I couldn't believe it.

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