Chapter 32

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On the car ride to Taco Bell Reagan was asking Trevor ALOT of questions. I even had to tell Reagan "shhh! Trevor's focusing on the road" a few times. She is VERY talkative. Trevor wanted to play music from his phone so I plugged his phone into my moms car. "play XIAT" said Trevor. "no" I said. "why?! Do you not like XIAT?!" said Trevor confused. "I don't like your EP I love it BUT XIAT has a curse word in it and Reagan is in the car so I'm going to play 'slay' because she likes that one" I said putting on 'Slay'. "ok whatever" said Trevor knowing it was the right thing.

After alittle bit we made it to Taco Bell. Trevor parked the car then I got out then got Reagan out. We were getting ready to cross the parking lot. "Reagan hold my hand as we go across end the parking lot ok?" I said. "I wanna hold T-ver's hand" said Reagan walking over to Trevor and held out her hand for him to hold. "want me to hold your hand?" said Trevor. "Yes I do T-ver" said Reagan. "Amber hold my other hand" said Reagan grabbing mine and Trevor's hand than started to pull us toward the Taco Bell.

We got in and We saw dad and Erin sitting down and they have already ordered. "we got you a Ba-Ha Blast Amber" said my Dad. "Thanks" I said even tho I didn't want anything. Dakota walked in with Ricky about 5 minutes after me, Trevor, and Reagan got there. Dakota and Ricky saw me and Trevor and signaled us to go over to them. "One minute dad we will be right back" I said getting up and pulling Trevor over to Dakota and Ricky. "What?" I said to Dakota. "Amber, Trevor it's BAD!" said Ricky pulling out his phone. "what?!" said me and Trevor worried. "Look" said Dakota as Ricky showed us a picture on his phone. "OH MY GOD!" I said as I saw the picture. The picture was a headline and it was a picture of Trevor, me, and Reagan holding hands walking into the Taco Bell and the title of the headline was 'Famous YouTuber Trevor Moran and his new girlfriend Amber have a child at age 16?'. "no no no no no no!" I said again starting to worry. "do people follow to every where u go?!" I asked Trevor. "I guess and how could this have got so popular so quick?" said Trevor. "your part of O2L some people stalk you and follow you every where you go" said Ricky. "Just as long as my dad doesn't see this we will be ok" I said. "And any ways you can tell the little girl is Reagan so if he did see it he would know it was fake" said Dakota. "ok well me and Trevor are going to go back over to my dad meet us over there" I said now pulling Trevor back to our seats. "We're back" I said after me and Trevor got back in our seats. "So can I talk with Trevor a minute man to man" said my Dad signaling leave them alone for a minute so me, Erin, Reagan, and Alyssa went to the bathroom while they talked.

"Trevor?" said my dad. "yes sir" said Trevor sounding nervous because this is mainly the first time he had really TALKED to my Dad. "Trevor...i just want to tell you, you better be good to my little Amber and if you ever brake my baby girls heart.....I. Will. Brake. You." said my dad. "I will do my best sir" said Trevor now his voice was a bit shaky. "good" said my Dad. Then right after that us girls were done using the can. When I got back to my seat Trevor looked pail. "Trevor you ok honey?" I said putting my hand on his four head. "I'm fine" said Trevor ( he knew he was pail because my dad scared the living shit out of him ). "ok" I said. "Amber" said my dad. "yes dad?" I asked. "Amber I think your with a good young man. I trust him" said my Dad and I was happy my dad trusted Trevor it was a good feeling. My dad and Erin finally got there food and Dakota and Ricky came over with their food. Dad and Erin were done with their food and were getting ready to leave but then. "can me and Reagan go with Amber?" asked five year old Alyssa. "sure but it's up to them" said Erin. "sure just put Alyssa's car seat in the car and we will be ready to go" I said even tho this wouldn't help the rumor started about me and Trevor having a kid. After dad left me, Trevor, Dakota, Ricky, and also Reagan and Alyssa talked some. "who dat beside Akota?" Reagan asked Me. "That's Ricky" I said. "Hi Icky" said Reagan laughing. "now Reagan I know you can say your R's correctly" I said. "fine I no call Ricky Icky" said Reagan. "Good" I said. "Ricky do u like Spongebob?" asked Alyssa. "Yes I do! I was also him for Halloween a few years ago!" said Ricky. "now you silly little turd Ricky won't stop talking about Spongebob ALL day now" I said to Alyssa. "not my problem" said Alyssa. "Funny" I said to Alyssa.

After alittle while of talking in "You guys ready to get out of Taco Bell?" I asked. "ya Me and Ricky will meet you at the o2l house?" said Dakota. "Sure" I said. After that Dakota and Ricky left and headed to the o2l house. "well little Reagan and Alyssa will get to meet the rest of o2l" I said to Trevor while holding Alyssa's hand as me, Trevor, Reagan, and Alyssa walked out the door of Taco Bell. "know hold Trevor's hand when we cross the parking lot Reagan" I said holding Alyssa's hand because she was shy around Trevor. "Trevor can u carry me" said Reagan giving him the puppy dog eyes. "ok" said Trevor picking up Reagan than carried her to the car.

We got Alyssa and Reagan into the car than me and Trevor got in the front seats and then Trevor started the car and we started to drive. I got a text from Dakota.

From Dakota : hey someone posted more pics of u and Trevor with Reagan and now even Alyssa you guys NEED to do something.

To Dakota : I will look at the photos then try to find a way to fix this ok?

From Dakota : whatever

After that I told Trevor but whispered so Alyssa and Reagan wouldn't hear us and get worried or something ( or however their little minds work ). "Trevor bad news" I whispered after I found the pictures. The pictures now showed me, Trevor, Alyssa, and Reagan were Trevor was holding Reagan and I was holding Trevor and Alyssa's hand. We were at a red light and Trevor looked at my phone and saw the picture with the head line 'Trevor and his new girlfriend have 2 children at a young age?'. "Holy shit go fuck a duck this is BAD" Trevor whispered. "well ya" I whisper yelled back. "what you talking about Bambi?" said Alyssa ( because she calls me Bambi ). "nothing just big kid stuff" I said to Alyssa trying not to look worried. "ok" said Alyssa than she started to talk to Reagan.

After alittle while we made it to the o2l house. Me, Trevor, Reagan, and Alyssa walked up to the door and Alyssa and Reagan knocked on the door ( about fifty times ). Ricky answered the door. "come in Reagan and Alyssa" said Ricky taking the two children to the living room and put on Spongebob. Kian walked in right afterwords. "who in the fuck are these kids in our house" said Kian looking a Reagan and Alyssa. "KIAN DONT USE CURSE WORDS AROUND THEM!" I quietly yelled. "whatever. but still who are they?" said Kian. "Kian they are my dad's girlfriend's kids" I said. "ok and why they here" asked Kian. "Because!" I said. "But any ways Kian me and Trevor need your help" I said pulling up the head line on my phone. "ok?" said Kian confused. We showed Kian the headline with the pictures and all. "HOLY. SHIZ. THAT'S. NOT. GOOD. AT ALL." said Kian.

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