Chapter 19

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I saw Trevor with 4 needles in each of his arms. But he was sitting up awake. "we will leave you two alone." said a doctor then all of the doctors and nurses left. " Hey, how you feeling?" i said. " Not good." said Trevor. "Did they see if you have a fever?" I said. "No." said Trevor. I knew more than likely he didn't because he was in the hospital for a fight not a sickness, but oh well. " Want me to see if you have a fever?" I said. " I guess." Said Trevor. I checked like my mom checks if I have one, I kissed his four head. " No you don't seem to have a fever." I said smiling. " Are you shore you should check again just in case." said Trevor smiling. So I kissed his four head again. " No your fine" I said. "Ok" said Trevor. " Amber." said Trevor. "Ya Trevy." I said. "Right under my nose it hurts can you kiss it better?" said Trevor smiling knowing that I knew he was making a excuse for me to kiss him. "Ok" I said. Then I was kissing him and he was kissing me back. Then the kiss broke. We heard someone open the door. It was Dakota, Ricky, Kian, Sam, Jc, Lea, and Conner. "OH MY GOSH TREVOR!" said Lea in shock. "Im fine Lea please don't make a big deal out of it" said Trevor. " The 8 needles inside you tell me other wise." said Lea. " I did it to him. said Conner to Lea. "That's why your bruised and have a busted lip." said Lea. "Ya" said Conner. "Me and Dakota went to the o2l house when they were fighting" said Ricky. "I'm feeling tiered can you guys please leave I will talk to all of you later" said Trevor. Then they all said "bye" and left."I can leave if you want to go to sleep." I said. "No I just said that to make them leave." said Trevor. "So that spot under my nose still hurts can you kiss it better again?" said Trevor again smiling. "Sure, I guess." I said smiling, then I was kissing him again and he was kissing me back...again. He broke the kiss by saying " Amber I just want you to know I will be okay." said Trevor. "promise?" I said back. "promise." said Trevor. I stroked my fingers through his hair. "It looks weird to see you here with needles in your arms." I said. "Ya it does." he agreed. "Its getting late Im gonna have to go." I said sadly. " No you don't you can stay in the guest bed tonight." said Trevor. "Ok I will tell my mom I'm staying with you and if she can bring me some clothes for in the morning and my other stuff." I said. "Or if she doesn't bring you clothes you can ware one of the sexy backless hospital dresses like me." Trevor said joking around. " I can't rock a hospital dress like you Trevor." I said laughing. " Your just jealous that I can show people my butt with my clothes on here and you can't." he said joking around and laughing.

My mom finally came and brought me clothes, my toothbrush + toothpaste, my hair brush and shampoo and conditioner for taking showers. When mom came in she saw Trevor. " So you got pretty beat up Trevor." said my mom. "Ya, I did. said Trevor to my mom awkwardly. "Your a lucky boy Trevor. Im letting my daughter stay with you for three nights I'm gonna miss her but her happiness she has when she's around you, makes it worth it." said my mom. " Thanks" said me and Trevor. " bye love you" I told my mom while giving her a hug. Then she left. "Well it you and me in the hospital stuck for 3 days then. They let us go back home." said Trevor. "well I didn't have to stay for all 3 days but I am for you" I said.
It was 9:00 now. " You should be getting to bed because it might help you get better faster" I said. "Ok" said Trevor. Then we went to bed Trevor in his bed with all his needles in him and wires connected sleeping like a angel. And me asleep in a hospital bed a crossed from him probably looking as ugly as hell because I look terrible when I sleep.

Summer Brake ( a Trevor Moran fanfic )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt