Chapter 21

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Ricky finally brought the camera. When Ricky walked in he looked at me "Are you shore you want to do this." Ricky said. "Ya I will be fine making a video with Trevor" I said. "Okay making shore" Ricky said. Then Ricky set up Trevor's camera. He made shore it was pointed at Trevor which has needles and I.V.'S sticking out of his arms. " You ready Trevor?" asked Ricky, to make shore he knew when to turn on the camera. "Yep, I think Im good" said Trevor. " Are you ready Amber?" asked Trevor. "Yes." I said with confidents. "Okay. Start the camera Ricky." said Trevor. Then he started the video while I was in the bathroom, so it was weird when I walked in because it was already started. " COME HERE!"said Trevor. "This person will be a suprize for you guys. She's really nice and I think you guy's will like her. COME ON!" said Trevor while signaling me to come by him. "I'm coming! quit yelling like we're a old married couple!" I shouted. We'll when I finally got over there I told him, " turn down your volume or a nurse will come in here and ask us what's going on.". Trevor ignored me pretty much. " But oh ya if you guy's are wondering why I'm in a hospital it's because I got hurt pretty bad not going to tell you guy's why or who did it but I got in a fight with someone so bare with me. please." said Trevor into the camera. " Are you going to say something or just sit there. " said Ricky laughing at me. " And if your wondering if there is a special relationship between me and her there is." said Trevor to the camera. " This is my girlfriend Amber, say hi Amber. " said Trevor, which that was my q to talk. "Hey" I said trying yo act cool. "So Amber tell them about yourself." said Trevor, which was a q for me to talk again. " well.....My name in Amber Masters, Im 16, I personally love o2l, and I'm dating the best o2l member and there's not much more to me than that" I said to the camera. "Okay that was.........something" said Trevor. " Your something you have needles and I.V.'S sticking out of your arms." I said smiling at him. "Hahaha she schooled you Trevor!" said Ricky from behind the camera. " And....oh ya Ricky's behind the camera btw." Trevor said while Ricky hopped in front of the camera and said "hi there. booshka booshka" in his crab voice while making the crab face. But the rest of the video flew bye but then it was over, Ricky stopped the camera. " bye guy's! get better Trevor." said Ricky going out the door with the camera. " ok bye." said Trevor. '' Well that happened" I said. "yep" said Trevor. '' Well what are we going to talk about for today? because you are stuck in bed the hole next two days." I said. "You know we talk about random topics." said Trevor. All of a sudden my phone went off, I got a text.

From Connor - hey can we meet up later? Starbucks maybe?

From Amber - I'm a white girl i love Starbucks but quit it because you know a white girl's natural habitat is Starbucks! But I have to hang out with Trevor today any way.

From Connor - sure u have to. but if u change ur mind let me know.

From Amber - whatever gtg.

Than I put my phone away, getting ready for the long day to soon come.

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