Goodbyes- 011

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Just as everyone was waking up the following day, Carl finally upon his feet, though, with some help from Ford, Glenn broke news to the group. "There's walkers in the barn." Ford stopped mid-step, holding Carl carefully around the waist before looking at Glenn. Shane's rage boiling up, making Ford step a small step back with Carl, he didn't want him in the line of danger. Though that soon ended when Shane started handing out guns, holding one out to Ford who looked at him with dull eyes. "This is a mistake, Shane. Get your head on straight, man. Don't do this." He said in a harsh tone, making Shane scoff. "Take the fucking gun, Ford." 

Ford slowly let go of Carl, taking a step toward Shane. "And if I fucking don't? What are ya' gonna do? Point it at me? Smack me around tell me I'm useless? I'm not taking the gun. Shove it up yer' ass." He said, once again, harshly before regaining his spot next to Carl, following the group along to the barn to see what happens, he spotted Hershal, Rick, and Jimmy holding snare poles with walkers attached to the ends, Ford held Carl back from approaching, Shane started yelling, firing rounds off into the walker Hershal held.

As Shane ran toward the barn, everyone followed, walkers soon flooding out of the doors, Ford's breath caught as he held Carl, rubbing his shoulder gently. Everything soon calmed down, small pants and sobs from people being heard, Ford's mind went blank as he stared at the cracked open door. A small groan and growl being heard, everyone rose their guns again, seeing a little girl stumbling out. Short, knotted, dirty dark blonde hair, blue shirt hanging off her shoulder, a large bite mark on her grey skin, a shrill sob leaving Carol who was held by Daryl. 

Carl leaned into Ford a bit more, letting a small sob out as he stared at his friend's walker form stumbling toward the group. Rick held his pistol out toward Sophia, firing just once into her head and shaking his head. Ford continued holding Carl who cried, staring at Sophia's fallen form. His lips pulling into a thin line.

The Greene family was in shock, Hershal disappeared at quite possibly the worse time, Beth went still. Sitting in her bed she stared at nothing. Carl and Ford wandering around seeing what they can do. Eventually, Ford sifted through his bags to find hand-gun, he slid it into his pants, letting his shirt fall over it to cover it up, his crossbow slung over his shoulder before he took Carl's hand. "Let's head into the woods. See what's out there?" He questioned, seeing if Carl wanted to go with or not.

Carl's smile crested onto his face, sheriff hat sitting atop his head gently as he nodded, interlocking their fingers as he walked toward the woods, trying not to be seen. When they made it they laughed slightly, running deeper in with smiles, hands still tightly interlocked. The two kids were enjoying their time in the woods, jumping over fallen trees, making sure the other wasn't hurt in the process. 

Then they came across a walker, Carl sliding a small handgun out of his pants, aiming it at the walker as the thing snarled and groaned, reaching for them, it's legs glued still in the mud. Ford didn't see anything wrong with this, Carl had to learn sometime. Better sooner than later. So Ford watched, hand on his crossbow securely as he watched with cautious eyes. Hands jerking to action when the legs on the walker snapped where the mud stopped. "Carl, step back." His voice stern as he walked over, nudging Carl away. 

His crossbow wasn't loaded, and he didn't have any bolts, nor want to draw anymore in toward them. So he slowly pulled away, bringing Carl with him. "C'mon, let's head back. I don't got any bolts on hand... It probably won't make it to the farm. We should be fine. C'mon" He rushed him out of the woods, running next to him before slowing toward the farm, returning to the comfortable silence. Peace washing over them once again as they got comfy, Carl returning the gun and getting told off about it.

Though Ford stood up, saying it was his idea since he has his own gun, very quickly being told to hand it over by Shane. Which made him angry and reluctant, giving them his most stubborn attitude about handing over what was his. "I know how to shoot Shane! Wanna test me? Get ta runnin' I'll shoot ya in the ass. It's mine. I ain't given it up. Not unless Hershal wants me to." He grumbled, rolling his eyes as Shane continued about him having a gun. Ford promptly ignored the man.

Ford went to go find Carl, getting pulled away by Lori, who said he was a bad influence on her son. "I don't need your personality and attitude rubbing off on my sweet little boy. Stay away from him" Ford took a step back, lips parting as he looked at her in shock. He had never been told to stay away from someone before, especially because he was a bad influence. Sure, he was lippy, but he wasn't exactly raised with temper control either, so it made for a bad combination. His jaw locked, staring at her before sheathing out-

"What? Pissed off that I threatened your little boyfriend? Told your little boy toy I'd shoot his ass. Are you pissed 'bout that? You can't control who I do and don't talk to. And right now I don't wish to talk to you. So back off. I'm one of the few people that look after Carl unlike you, who'd rather be screwing around with Shane Walsh and bitching about problems that aren't even yours." His voice was sharp, to the point, like a dull blade being sharpened once again, his personality had done a 180-degree flip from his happy one just moments ago. 

He wasn't fazed all too much, hearing Lori gasp as his words hit hard, Ford taking the chance to slip away and walk off to find Carl. He found him inside the house and talking to Maggie he smiled a little, walking over and moving the hat that sat atop his mess of brown hair. Slowly his hand found its way to play and mess with Carl's brown locks as he listened to the two talked comfortably. 

Beth sat in her room, Rick and Glenn came walking into the room. Maggie looked over at them and slowly spoke. "We need daddy... Beth won't even speak to nobody..." She voiced in a soft tone, getting small nods in return. "Where would he be?" Rick questioned getting a quiet response of 'The bar' followed by the name of said bar, the two went off, leaving everyone back at the house. Ford kept Carl busy, following him around with a soft smile as he did. wondering where he was going. 

But now, as night arose Lori got worried and went off, on her own, to find Rick and bring him home. Ford waited, and waited, and waited for her to get back, but Rick, Glenn, and Hershal came back before her. His worry spiked, he might not like her much but he would never wish anything bad to happen, that would upset Carl, and he wanted Carl to be safe. 

Randall, a kid that Rick, Hershal, and Glenn had saved during their run, was rushed into the now empty barn, getting tied up to the wall kinda harshly. Shane and Rick asked whereabouts Lori was, Ford finally speaking up. "She went into town a few hours ago to find Rick." His tone indifferent as he played with Carl's hair carefully, Carl relaxed and started falling asleep as the two men rushed to the car again to go find Lori. 

It seemed like a short amount of time when the two came back, Rick looking devastated and Shane looking heartbroken, Ford asked a few questions, Rick slowly answering with- "She... The car... Covered in blood... She wasn't... She wasn't there..." Then he broke down, Ford slowly hugging a, now sobbing, Carl in his arms for comfort, hand rubbing his back as he held him tight. Trying his best to calm him down and keep him focused on anything but his mom's passing. Shane giving comfort to Rick as the Greene family gave their respects to the grieving Grimes family. Daryl slowly made his way into the house and looked around before looking at Ford with a confused expression.

"Lori's... Gone, Daryl..." He finally whispered, holding Carl closer as he did so, a face of understanding washed over him as he nodded a bit, giving Rick a small pat on the back. The two were given their time to grieve in peace, Ford making sure Carl stayed okay as Rick sobbed that night in his tent.

Word Count- 1504

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