More Death- 012

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Carl watched as Shane and Rick gathered Randall into the car's trunk, wondering where exactly they could take an injured man and deem that he had a good shot at living. Though he didn't bother asking questions and just waved the two men off as they drove. Arm going back around Carl for comfort, comfort to the still grieving Carl, and comfort in knowing that Ford could offer such a thing to the boy. Though just a few hours passed when the men came back, still holding the boy hostage in the trunk, Ford untangled from Carl and got up.

Back straightening as he followed behind the three mutely, waiting for them to leave before slipping into the barn and walking over to him. Ford crouched down in front of him and stared at him, Randall backing up into the wall. "H-Hey kid... C-C'mon don't hurt me, man..." He pleaded with Ford, Ford tilted his head a little. Ford looked around before holding up the water bottle he held in his hand, uncapping it and pouring a bit into Randall's mouth. "H-Hey, you got the key to these things?" Ford simply shook his head 'no' he didn't want to talk to him. 

"What's your name? I'm Randall" Ford stayed quiet, giving him some more water before getting up and leaving with a shake of his head, wondering when this man was going to be leaving the farm. His thoughts were cut short by Carl running into his arms, a small smile spreading onto his face as he hugged him tightly. "Hi... How you doin'?" He questioned, rubbing his back gently, earning a small smile in return from the boy. "I'm... I'm okay..." Ford nodded, walking back toward the house with him. Smile slipping away slowly as they were told to go to their tents. Randall's fate was being decided and they couldn't even listen to it, let alone put their input into it. 

Ford's mind ran blank as he hugged Carl close as a chill wind passed through, sending fresh air into their noses, he hummed and rubbed Carl's shaking arm. His eyes trailed the people that came out of the house slowly, realizing Dale left the Greene family house before anyone else he went to follow him, getting stopped by Carl. The shorter boy clung to the taller arm tightly, looking at him with a small shiver he slowly sat back down and hugged him close. He slowly moved them into Rick's tent, letting Carl lay down, Ford following suit.

As they laid on the sleeping bag they heard some commotion outside, Ford getting up to see what was wrong, everyone was gathered far out in the field. The raven-haired boy reached back in and shook Carl's leg, waking him back up and motioning him up. He yawned but followed anyway, the two clasped hands and started running to were everyone was, Daryl catching Ford in his arms before rubbing his head. Ford gave a confused look as he glanced down, eyes going wide as his stoic face dropped into a small, shaking, desperate look. 

Dale was on his last few breaths as he cried in pain, Daryl slowly stepping forward and taking Dick's gun, the glistening metal now sitting in his palm. Feeling like a foreign icicle in his palm before he took aim. firing a single bullet. Ford world fell a bit as he hugged Carl a bit tighter.

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