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Finally starting season 3!!

This is where the most notable plot changes will happen as Lori is no longer in the story.

This book is going a lot slower than my other TWD books honestly.
Though none of my other books have made it past chapter 12-




Months passed, weather getting colder and thicker as the days went. Ford's hair grew more and more, as did Carl's. The boys both having an awkward shag to their greasy hair that framed their dirty faces. The two barely teenaged boys shuffled through the seemingly empty house with Rick and Daryl. Carl checked cans that were dumped over and empty. The disgusting, but now accustomed, wafting scent of death and decay surrounds the two as they walked through the basement rooms. Guns were drawn and held in their hands tight, silencers on the ends that weighted the gun's down a bit but were still comfortably held in their hands.

Ford's eyes darted to a door, small, barely audible groans being heard from behind it, he nudged Carl's arm slightly. "In there..." Carl nodded and opened the door silently. Being greeted by the back of a female walker's head. With stringy blonde hair, ragged breathing. The door creaked as it opened, the decaying body of the women turned and looked at the two boys with soulless, empty eyes. The organ that once gave the lady vision almost mush that dribbled down her hollowed face. Cheekbones defined body scrawny and boney. The dead growls echoing and bouncing off the cold walls of the room, Carl rose his gun and fired once, watching the dead body drop its last time.

Dark red almost black blood splattering onto the curtains of the room, Ford walked in, stepping over the body and looking around before nodding. "Jus' the one, I guess.." He mumbled, shuffling back over to Carl and wrapping a stable arm around the slightly shorter boy's waist. The two had developed a close friendship over the last few months, Carl grieved to Ford after his mom's passing. Long nights of tears and hugs had been exchanged.

When possible, the two shared a tent, Daryl and Rick both understood, since the two boys were close in age and friends. Though nobody knew of the embraces the two shared every time they slept in a tent. Nobody knew of the comfortable arms that Carl laid in when he was able to. Nobody questioned when the two held hands and just found it cute. The small conversation and looks the two shared, smiles that went unnoticed by anyone else.

Carl's hand seamlessly slipped into Fords, who intertwined their fingers and squeezed softly as they walked downstairs to meet with the adults of the group. Everyone hungry and thirsty, food being scarce within the group for some time now. Ford usually sharing his portion with Carl, the taller of the two was thinner than what he was a few months back. His body hidden under a sweatshirt and his baggy jeans that were cuffed to his ankles. His hair hanging down into his eyes. Though the boy didn't seem to care all that much as he listened to Rick, Hershal, and Daryl speak to the group.

As the group got comfortable, Ford still having Carl wrapped up in his arm. speaking with everyone quietly, T-dog snapped his fingers from his spot near the window. "Walkers incoming... We gotta go" Everyone was on their feet quickly, breaths hitching as they bustled out of the cabin they had been hunkered down in for the past few hours. Rushing out to the parked cars and single motorcycle standing outside. Ford and Carl slid into one of the vehicles easily, hands clasped as they jumped with the small bumps and rocks the car went over, Ford taking a brief moment to see who was driving. T-dog.

Though Ford hadn't really gotten over the man dropping the key to his brother's handcuffs down a drain, he sucked it up, T-dog and he talked occasionally, though not often. His Georgian blue eyes moved to the passenger seat, seeing Carol sitting there he nodded and turned back to Carl.

At some point, he had noticed that Carl is who took most of his attention and time, they were barely ever separated. And Ford didn't mind in the slightest, he liked giving attention to the shorter brunette boy. It was considered a good day when Carl smiled or laughed at him or something he had said.

When The cars lurched to a stop in a clump Ford and Carl got out, walking to one end of the clump, Rick following. "15, you boys are on point..." Ford and Carl nodding, standing next to each other and letting their eyes roam around for signs of movement. Their untrained but cautious eyes roaming over the woods nearby. "Carl..?" The boy in question hummed quietly so they didn't disturb the adults arguing over where to go.

"Ever just wanna adventure like back at the farm..?" Carl letting a tiny smile slip onto his lips. "Yeah.. I do... But we can't.. Never know when the group will move again..." He nodded back, feeling the weight of Carl's back on his own as he smiled a bit. "True.."

[Word count- 870]

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