Chapter 2

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Two hours before the flight Christian drove her mom to the airport. After 15 minutes Bjorn stepped in the executive lounge and saw familiar faces. He couldn't believe his eyes, Agnetha had finally decided to go to the public event with him.
-Christian, son - Bjorn hugged Christian - Agnetha, what a nice surprise! - He hugged Agnetha too.
-Hi, as you can see, I finally made up my mind. - said Agnetha. Bjorn was looking at her with a smiley face. Christian felt it would be better if he left his parents alone.
-All right, guys, I'm gonna go back, since mom is in good hands. Agnetha looked at Christian and shook her head in disapproval.
-No, Christian, you should stay until check-in starts.
-Agnetha, are you afraid of me? I'm not gonna eat you.
-No, mom's just afraid of flying, you know... But I'm sure you'll handle that very well dad.- said Christian and kissed her parents -Good luck with coping mom's pre-flight paranoias. -said to Bjorn and headed outside. Bjorn and Agnetha sat down and looked at each other. There was some tension between them. Agnetha kept looking at her watch. They sat there, asked each other how they've been, talked about grandkids and after a while, they went to the gate. Bjorn helped Agnetha with her luggage. They went on the plane, Bjorn seemed very excited when he found out that Agnetha was sitting next to her. Agnetha was a little bit nervous and closed her eyes while breathing in and out.
-Calm down, Agnetha, the flight is just one and a half hours, it's nothing to worry about. Also, I'm here with you. - said Bjorn and placed his hand over Agnetha's. Agnetha looked at his hand intertwined with her's, then looked up at Bjorn.
-I know, Bjorn, I'm gonna feel better after we take off. - Agnetha looked through the window.
Bjorn kept staring at her. He still felt tingles down his spine, when he saw her. Now he could look at her as long as he wanted, there weren't Lena or the kids who would try to distract him. "She's a goddess"-thought Bjorn to himself. The plane started to take off. Agnetha squizzed Bjorn's hand and closed her eyes.
-No worries, Anna, I'm right here.-said Bjorn. The plane took off and Agnetha relaxed a little bit. She let go of Bjorn's hand and looked at him.
-What did you call me?-said Agnetha.
-What? When?-Asked Bjorn.
-When we were taking off... you... you called me Anna.
-I didn't even notice - Bjorn giggled and looked in her eyes.
-I haven't heard you calling me that for a long time.
-Right... but you are my Anna, always were... and always will be. - Agnetha blushed and looked away.
She felt something melting in her heart, she felt like a teenager. Was it Bjorn who made her feel that way? "No, Agnetha, stop thinking about nonsense. Pull yourself together!", said to herself.
After 10 minutes of silence (which felt like a century), Bjorn asked Agnetha if she had a hotel reserved.
-I haven't, actually. I'll find something when we get there.
-No need. I have a quite large suite reserved.
-I don't think, it's a good idea. What if someone recognizes us.
-Okay, okay, let's go to the hotel I'm in and if they don't have any free rooms, you'll stay in mine.
-No, no way.
-Come on, Ann...Agnetha I'll sleep on the couch.
-Okay- she looked at him smiling and bit her lower lip. " Ah, that thing she does," thought Bjorn.
They talked about the premiere, shared their expectations and while chatting time flew away. From time to time Bjorn would stare in Agnetha's eyes, her cheeks would turn red, she would bite her lower lip and look away...

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