Chapter 13

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Bjorn was sitting on the couch holding all the letters that Lena had stolen, trying to keep his anger for the time when she was home.

The door opened and he heard Lena screaming.

-HOW DARE YOU NOT PICK ME UP AT THE AIRPORT?! YOU SENT A BLOODY DRIVER FOR ME, REALLY?! - Lena rushed into the living room without greeting.

-I don't have to explain anything! - said Bjorn with a calm but strict voice, without moving from the couch with a scotch in his hand.

-Have you lost your mind?! Why are you treating me like this?

-No, no! I lost my mind when I married you! - said Bjorn standing up. - But, hopefully, I'm coming to my senses now. I've figured out what kind of a monster you are. - he looked her straight into the eyes.

-HOW DARE YOU?! - Lena started screaming again. - What the hell got into your mind?

-This! - said Bjorn and showed her the letters. - Do you recognize them? It's my life! You stole my life!

Lena stood there with a deep fright in her eyes, without being able to move.

-Where did you get these?

-From exactly where you kept them! I know everything... God, I've been so damn stupid, I should have left you years ago. - said Bjorn taking a bottle of scotch and going to the door.

Lena tan crying and stood in front of the door.

-No! Bjorn, please! Let me explain! You can't leave me like that. We'll overcome this. - said Lena crying.

-You're so terribly wrong. Don't you even dare to explain! I'm not gonna waste the rest of my life on you. You've done enough! Now, it's time for me to be with a woman I really love. NOW, get off my way. - said Bjorn irritated.

-I knew it! It was that slut that got into your head! She can't make you happy, Bjorn. - Lena held Bjorn's face with her hands. - You love me. I know you do. We've been together for 30 in years. You can't go to her now.

Bjorn took off Lena's hands off his face and held her wrist.

-Never again dare to call Anna slut! I've loved her all these years. You knew that, but you preferred to live in the lie, but this must come to an end. 30 years of hell have finished! I'm divorcing you! Now, move away!

Bjorn pushed Lena away and left the apartment.

-You're gonna regret it, Bjorn! I swear! I'll make sure that that bitch will never be happy. - said Lena to herself.

Meanwhile, Bjorn walked to his small apartment in the center of Stockholm, since he was drunk a little bit and didn't risk to drive. It was already 1 a.m. when he decided to call Agnetha and tell her that he soon would be a free man.

-Hey, love! How did the confrontation go? - asked Agnetha worriedly. She had been waiting for a good call for hours now.

-Yes, I did and told her everything I felt. I'm divorcing her, of course... - said Bjorn with a drunk voice. - You are the only one I love, Anna... You're the love of my life!

-I love you too, Bjorn, but why do you sound drunk?

-I may have drunk a glass or two...

-Or a bottle or two, Bjorn? You sound really drunk.

-I'm drunk from your love, Anna! Actually, I want the whole world to know! - Bjorn yelled and headed to the balcony.

-I love Agnetha Åse Faltskög! She's a love of my life! - He yelled loudly with a big smile on his face.

Why, why did I ever let you go?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt