Chapter 4

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-Which letters, Bjorn? You were the one who has been sending all of my letters back! I felt so offended...-Agnetha's eyes started to fill up with tears.-At first, I thought that there was some problem at the post, but this kept going and, after a while, I stopped sending them.
-What are you talking about, Anna? I haven't sent any of your letters back. How could I send them back when I haven't even gotten any?! I had only gotten my letters, that I have been sending to you!-Bjorn looked so shocked, he couldn't believe that his Anna had been writing letters to him, as he did to her... Did it mean that she had been feeling the same way about their divorce?
-I don't understand... Why haven't you gotten any of my letters? Or why haven't I gotten any of yours?
-There must have been some misunderstanding... The post office must have messed up something...-Bjorn covered his face with his hands. They sat there silently for 5 minutes.
-What did you write in your letters?- she said still tears in her eyes.
Bjorn looked at her and their eyes met... Through their eyes, they could see the pain that they shared... It was buried in the deepest corners of their hearts.
-I wrote that you were the only woman, I loved and wanted to be with, grow old and die with... and that I was sorry for any pain I've caused for you... It's still true.-Agnetha looked away, she couldn't bear all of this, it was too much for that short time.
-Now it's your turn.
-I wrote that you were the only man who made me feel alive...-said Anna after a minute of silence.
-Is that still true? Anna, do you still feel that way?
-Bjorn... I just can't. It's too much. You're married. It was in the past, there's nothing we can do about it. You have Lena in your life and you should cherish her.-Agnetha stood up and went inside
-But Anna, this changes everything. Our life has been a big lie for all these years.
-It doesn't change a damn thing, Bjorn!-Agnetha yelled-From now on we will just live with the regret of not being brave enough to tell each other what we really felt and instead of putting our pride aside, writing letters-Agnetha burst into tears-those fucking letters.
Bjorn went to her, tried to hug and comfort her.
-Please, Anna, we can figure this out-Agnetha got out of Bjorn's arms.
-No, we can't...
-No ifs and buts... Please leave me alone, I need to rethink all of this.
Born nodded and headed to the door.
-Call me anytime if you need me-he told Agnetha and left.
Agnetha went to the door and locked it, then felt weakness in her legs and just sat down on the floor leaning against the door, crying.
Bjorn went to his room and to the bathroom to take a shower. He didn't know what to do next... He only knew that he loved Agnetha the way he could love no one else. He had feelings for Lena too, but it wasn't love... It was just respect based on the long married life they shared. But this wasn't enough to make him happy and complete. Only one woman could do this.
He had doubts. What if Anna didn't want him back, what if she hated him...
While taking shower a lot of things past his mind. He remembered the day he wrote the first letter. He tried to remember if he saw the mailman picking up the letter, but there was something wrong.
Flashback on
Born is at his apartment in Stockholm. It's the day when the mailman picks up the letters and he's about to go downstairs to place the letters in his mailbox when he hears Lena calling for him.
-Honey, wait, I'm gonna go to buy some groceries to prepare a delicious meal for our romantic night.-she goes to him and kisses him on the lips-where are you going?
-I have some letters to send... Just the work stuff.
-Give me, I'll put them in the mailbox. I'm going downstairs anyway...
-No, I'll do it myself-Bjorn placed his hand beside his back hiding the letters.
-Come on, love. You never let me help you with anything. No need for you to go downstairs when I'm already going.-said Lena and took the letters from Bjorn's hand.-I'll be back soon-said she and gave him a little peck on the lips.
Flashback off
-Son of a bitch-said Bjorn out loud, turned off the shower and with a robe on headed to the bedroom. Could this be true or was it just his mind trying to accuse Lena for him to feel innocent?!
Bjorn needed some drink for clearing his mind for a while, so he went to the minibar and poured some whiskey.
After drinking two glasses he started to remember the first day when he moved in with Lena.
Flashback on
-Love, from now on, you don't have to worry about anything. I'll do the housework, all the cooking, and cleaning, I'll even fresher care of mail.-said Lena and kissed Bjorn-Your time is too valuable to waste it such small things.
Flashback off
He quickly drank the third glass of whiskey and took his phone to call Lena. He was enraged. For almost 30 years he lived in a lie. Anyway, if it was true, Lena wouldn't admit it.
Born changed his mind a put away the phone. Lena was the last person whose voice he wanted to hear at the moment.
Meanwhile, in her room, Agnetha had already finished the bottle of wine all by herself. She had a lot going in her mind. For all these years, she tried to find the love of her life but in vain. Bjorn was her one and only love. For 30 years when she needed to meet him for the sake of their children and grandchildren, she had to keep all of her pain inside and look happy. She was so tired of all of these. She needed to make a move, but would she be brave enough for it...
Agnetha was lost in her thoughts when she heard a knock on the door. She opened it and it was Bjorn.
-Anna, we need to talk.
-There's no need to talk-said Agnetha and dragged Bjorn inside. She pinned him to the wall and kissed him like it was the last minute of their lives.

Why, why did I ever let you go?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora