Chapter 7

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At his apartment, Bjorn was looking for the letters in Lena's stuff. He thought that Agnetha had hung up the phone because she was mad at him. Meanwhile, Agnetha was standing at the door, couldn't dare to knock. Finally, she made up her mind and lightly knocked on the door. At that time, Bjorn's phone also called. It was Lena. He ignored her call for the 100th time that day, but quickly closed Lena's drawer's too, for he thought that on the door might be his wife.

-What the hell?!-exclaimed Bjorn and went to the door, he looked through the peephole. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was the love of his life knocking on his door and nervously biting her lower lip. Bjorn opened the door and asked surprised:

-Anna, what a nice surp...-Agnetha didn't let him finish and attacked his lips. She closed the door with her foot and now Bjorn pinned her to the door.

-I couldn't, Bjorn-Agnetha said between kisses-I couldn't stay without you.

After half a minute of wild make out session, their kisses got more tender and they stopped it. Just kept looking into each other's eyes.

-I can't live a day without you, Anna. I love you so much!-gave a peck on her lips.-You made me so happy that you came.-said Bjorn and continued his kisses down to her neck, while trying to open her blouse, but Agnetha stopped him.

-No, love, I still can't do it here, it's a place you share with Lena. We should respect her.

-What kind of respect are you talking about, did you forget what she did to us?!-said Bjorn and continued to kiss her neck.

-You don't know it for sure.-Agnetha pulled Bjorn away-Please...

-All right, as you say.-said Bjorn and finished kissing with giving a little peck on her lips.-come, I'll make a coffee for you.

They went to the kitchen and Bjorn made Agnetha coffee, then he said that he would continue looking for the letters.

They went to Lena's drawer, Bjorn was looking, while Agnetha was standing a little aside. He, as usual, was making jokes and she was laughing. She couldn't remember the last time that someone made her laugh as he did.

Bjorn couldn't find any letter there, but he found the keys to her old apartment.

-Let's go there if you're not against it.

-Okay, but I won't be helping you, I don't want to delve into Lena's stuff.

They went to that apartment, which turned out to be old and small, but there were still some pictures, old cloth and some books that Lena had kept over the years.

-Does she often come here?-asked Agnetha.

-She didn't use to, but lately, she comes here often. We have some problems in our relationship after the kids left home.

-Don't you love her?

-I thought I did, but turned out, that it wasn't love. I tried not to think about you for all these years, but when the kids left, I had more time for remembering old years... Remembering you... How you treated me, with love... I can't believe that I did ever let you go. I had to be braver and told you about my true feelings, but I turned out to be a coward.

Both of them had tears in their eyes.

-Don't blame yourself. We both made mistakes, but we can't return our lost years back.

-You're right, we can't return them, but at least, we should try to catch the moment and enjoy life from now on...

Bjorn got on his knees and opened the second drawer of the desk. All he could find were old photos of Lena took at the time when he wasn't married to her. He moved to the next drawer. Already about an hour had passed without any success. Agnetha also got on her knees beside Bjorn and kissed him.

-We should go. I don't think that she had kept any of the letters if she even was the one who took them.

-Stop doubting that Anna. Of course, she took them. How could they disappear like that? Bjorn got up and held his hand to help Agnetha get up, then went to the bedroom. Agnetha followed him and sat on the bed. Bjorn sat beside her and opened the nightstand, but couldn't find anything.

-That witch, where did she take the letters?!-Yelled Bjorn and slammed the drawer.

-All right, Bjorn, I'm going, this is getting out of control. There's nothing here. Lena hasn't done anything. It was fate... We shouldn't be together. - Agnetha got up and furiously walked to the door. On her way, she stumbled over the carpet and the corner of it lifted. She almost fell but Bjorn caught her, hugged her, put his hand in her golden hair and whispered in her ear:

-Please, Anna, don't say that it was fate. We are meant to be together. - he was kissing on her head when he saw that at the place of the lifted carpet corner was something silver into the floor.

-Anna, look. Goddamit, that's a safe. - they went there and it had the code. - I feel that we're close to our letters. Agnetha looked at Bjorn. She wanted him to be true.

-What's the code? Can you figure out - she asked.

-Let's see... what code would Lena put on the safe... I'll try our anniversary. - He tried every combination of their marriage anniversary, also, the birth dates of their children, but nothing worked.

Bjorn and Anna just sat there for 15 minutes on the carpet. Bjorn had his head on Agnetha's lap and was thinking and she was leaning to the bed. After 15 minutes he started smiling at Ann moved his head up and gave a peck on her lips.

-I think I'm distracting you - giggled Agnetha and kissed him back.

-You're the best distraction in the world. - answered Bjorn, sat up and continued kissing her.

After a minute Agnetha broke the kiss.

-Bjorn, honey, try 1979.


-The code, it maybe 1979. It's the year I left the house. This must be the happiest thing for her.

Bjorn entered the numbers and the safe opened. He yelled from happiness, held Agnetha's face and kissed her lips hard.

He went to the safe and found that there was some money and some letters. Finally... they found them... He took them and they had Bjorn's and Agnetha's addresses on them.

-That bitch. - Agnetha screamed and got up, started walking in the room nervously.

-She robbed us, Anna. She took our happiness away. I want to kill her so much, that bloody bastard! - Bjorn yelled.

At the moment of his rage, his phone called. It was Lena.

-She's calling. I'm gonna let her know that I'm leaving her! Now! - he yelled.

-No, no, love, don't tell her over the phone. It's gonna make things worse. Just answer her, don't let her know.

-Why, after all, she has done, why should I think about not hurting her feelings.

-No, think about Anna, she's with her now. It might hurt your daughter's feelings and, also, you don't know how far she can go, she might tell your daughters lies and make them hate you.

It made sense. He tried to calm himself down and answered Lena with contempt on his face.


-Bjorn!!! - Lena screamed from the phone. - I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU THE WHOLE DAY!!! How dare YOU ignore my call?!

Agnetha could hear Lena screaming shamelessly through the phone and it made her disgust to her grow. After all, she tried to respect her space and didn't want to accuse her until the very end. Her mind blacked out, she just felt the urge to somehow get back on her, the woman who stole her Bjorn.

-Bjorn, remember this morning when you told me that I owe you one? - she whispered and winked at Bjorn, who was still listening to Lena's screams over the phone. He looked at her confused when Agnetha started to get on her knees in front of him and started unbuckling his belt.

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