Chapter 15

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-What are you not suppose to tell me that I'm gonna blab about? - said Benny showing him the phone.

-What? Give me that! - Bjorn took the phone from him.

-You better start spilling. - said Benny and motioned him to start speaking.

-There's nothing to tell.

-Since when do you and Agnetha text each other? - asked Benny. - There is definitely something going on.

Bjorn did not know what to answer. Benny was his best friend and they never had never kept secrets from each other.

-There's this... Ummmm. Well, I... - he started stuttering.

-Why do you look guilty to me? - Benny raised his eyebrow.

-Me?! Guilty? Nonsense... - Bjorn rolled his eyes in a very unrealistic way.

-You're such a bad liar. Come on, Bjorn, I'm not gonna tell anyone. - Benny pleaded since he was very intrigued by the situation. Agnetha and Bjorn barely had any contact besides their children and grandchildren and now they were texting and keeping secrets.

-Okay, okay. I really need to tell someone or my mind's gonna blow up. - Bjorn motioned Benny to sit on the couch, had a deep breath, and started telling - I'm divorcing Lena.


-Our marriage isn't working anymore and, to be honest, it never did. We've always been cold towards each other.

-Yeah, I can relate to that... - said Benny sadly.

-All those years I was with her for the sake of stupid pride, I was not able to confess the truth. I was so blinded for those damn 30 years... I hate myself for that. But something happened that made me see the truth again, made me realize who I really am and what I really want and need in order to be happy.

-What made you realize that? Or, perhaps, who? - asked Benny as he was already getting the point.

-You remember the Mamma Mia premiere I went to several days ago?

-I knew it! You reunited with Agnetha, didn't you? - Benny sounded very happy about it.

-Yes, I did, but that's not the most shocking thing.

-What can be more shocking than this?

-After the separation, I've been sending letters to Agnetha. I got no answer back for a while, then I started to get the letters I sent her back. I thought it was a hint from her that she was fed up with me, so I stopped sending them. Turned out, Agnetha hasn't got any of them. Moreover, she was writing letters to me, but I haven't received any of them. Guess why?

-You forgot to send them?

-Lena stole them.

-What the... - Benny was shocked.

-Can you believe this? Neither I nor Anna wanted to let go of each other. If only I had the courage to tell Anna everything instead of writing those stupid letters... We... two is us would have been together for all these years. I've wasted half of my life...

-Don't talk like that... - Benny tried to comfort Bjorn who seemed very upset. - you have two wonderful children with Lena.

-That the only good thing that happened to me while living with Lena... - said Bjorn saddened. - How can I tell them, how can I explain what their mother did?

He told Benny everything that happened during the last couple of days. Benny was very excited that his best friend would finally be happy after 30 years of struggle. He knew that Bjorn's heart only belonged to Agnetha and now they could be together again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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