Chapter 4: Class 1-A

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Izuku looked at himself in the mirror. This UA uniform was uncomfortable. He decided to leave the jacket that came with it, and replace it with his red one. He put a pair of gloves on to cover his automail, and made his way to the building.

The walk there was nothing new. The same beach he had cleaned, the same house that Uraraka lived in, the same grocery store, everything was the same. And yet, it all seemed new to him. After all, today is the start of a new life. UA would change everything for Izuku, but in a good way. A way that he could've never imagined. Finally, something in Izuku's life would change for the better.


Izuku looked up at the large glass building. He craned his neck to each side, earning a satisfying crack for both sides. He made his way into the large building.

The inside was just as intimidating as the outside. Large lockers and framed accomplishments, whether for the school as a whole or just individual students, lined the walls. Izuku didn't let that bother him though. He shook his head and continued towards his classroom. Izuku had been assigned to class 1-A, and made his way there quickly, five minutes to spare before class began. 

He walked into the classroom to find a familiar face. Uraraka turned to wave at Izuku, and Izuku waved back. She ran up to her childhood friend.

"Hey Izuku! I'm glad you made it in!" she said, clearly enthused.

Izuku chuckled. "I'm just surprised that I did. I thought for sure I would have to look for another way." he said while scratching the back of his head.

Uraraka punched his arm playfully, "Oh stop it. You know you would've made it somehow. You're too smart for them not to consider you." she said, smiling.

Their conversation was interrupted by a tall guy with glasses. They both turned to look at him, and at first glance, he looked too old to be in their class. He adjusted his glasses, and bowed at a perfect ninety-degree angle. "Hello." he said, "My name is Tenya Iida. My apologies for how I treated you during the entrance exams." he said as he stood straight.

"It's fine," said Izuku, "I probably would've acted the same if you hadn't first," he admitted.

The door opened and in came a man who looked like he was running purely on coffee and other forms of caffeine. "Alright, everyone sit. You're here to become heroes, not make friends. So if you don't agree with that, I suggest you leave now. My name is Mr. Aizawa." he said bluntly.

Everyone was in their seat at this point. Fear seemed to be this guys primary motivator. Not the most effective method in Izuku's opinion. Izuku looked around the room, and saw several people with apparent quirks. A guy with multiple arms, one of which was currently an eyeball, surveying the classroom, a girl with earphone plugs hanging from her earlobes, a girl who was invisible, a girl with several similarities to a frog, and a guy with a tail. Izuku took note of these people. If he wanted to achieve his goal, he would have to stay at the top. 

"Now, everyone put these on." said Mr. Aizawa. Everyone was given an blue, white, and red uniform. "Meet me outside in fifteen minutes."


Everyone had changed into their uniforms. Izuku's automail was now out in full glory, so there was no point in hiding it. Even still, he tried to keep the prosthetic out of view as much as he could. Mr. Aizawa came out.

"Alright everyone, today we'll be doing quirk evaluations. I want to see what your quirks are, and how well you can use them. Originally, I was going to have you all go through this elaborate course, but I don't feel like setting it up or explaining it. So, instead, we'll just be throwing this ball, and recording how far it goes. I'll also be seeing how you adapt with your quirks." he explained, holding up a baseball.

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